The Merchent of Good Stories. · 10:38pm May 2nd, 2020
OK. So, now that I have a pretty good fanbase, may I suggest something and get real here?
OK. So, now that I have a pretty good fanbase, may I suggest something and get real here?
Heya guys! Magical Shield here!!
I have somethung to introduce to you all!!
Yes! All of you fellow weirdoes!
Now, me and my friend The Corn (Go check her stories- They're awesome!) Are hosting a MAJOR colab for our Advertisment group and we want people to join!! so yes people- go wild!
In non-governmental organizations (NGOs), advertising plays a crucial role in driving awareness, engagement, and support for various causes. As NGOs increasingly turn to online platforms to spread their message, the need to measure the impact of these advertisements becomes essential. Understanding how NGO ads perform allows organizations to optimize their campaigns, allocate resources effectively, and ultimately
I return for yet another bout of advertising. Our friend here, currently known as Marcthelightspark2004, has typed up a story featuring characters from Bloodlines. It's called Chronicles of Light, and if you do enjoy yourself an ambitious crossover, then this could be something to have a look at. He's been working real hard at it and getting
HEY GUYS! .... ... And girls
so, as you know (or not but ya gonna know) that my friend The Corn, has a group called Advertisements, and because of some... stuff, she won't be able to get back onto Fimfic until sometime after easter, so she asked me (and i said yes) to take care of her group.
So, i just reaslied that her group has over 100 stories! and so... yeah just saying!
Fast as lightning, sharp as a sword
First off, Allusionist and his family have started a GoFundMe account, and have already raised more than $200! If you can, give as much as possible for them. They are really struggling, and could use your help.
Fast as lightning, sharp as a sword
So, I was asked to look over a fic by a reader, and I gave him the basics on how to improve it. Now, it's been taken down, rewritten and put back up, much better than before.
Go check out his story if you have time. Fateful Pony is pretty much just starting out as a skilled writer, but he has promise, and with a little more support, he'll only keep getting better!
Looking for an editor? Look no further, I'll help you edit your story.
I'll edit it $5 per chapter or $10 for the whole thing.
Prices liable to change
Pm me if you'd like
My PayPal is right here:
hey everypony I hope you all are having a good morning. Just wanted to tell you all that I have a discord server and link is right here if any of you are interested in joining.
In today's digital age, nonprofit organizations face an increasingly competitive environment. With the rise of online platforms and the saturation of traditional fundraising methods, nonprofits must find innovative ways to reach their target audiences. One of the most effective tools available to them is Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising. In this article, we will explore why PPC advertising for nonprofit
I know that this sort of thing is heavily looked down on in this site but I feel the need to post it anyway.
A brony Youtuber named Brawny Buck as fallen on hard times in a manner so overwhelming that it sounds like it would be a good plot for a movie.
Please give his story your consideration.
So before on this site, I’ve spoken about how studies have found that the most effective way to get people to check out a book (and buy it) is not reviews from websites (though those are some of the most effective, hence why so many sell reviews), and not advertising on web-pages and other places, but word of mouth.
Has anyone around here been looking for a group dedicated to a certain nemesis of Daring Do? Or a certain felon that Somnambula faced off with once?
Well, look no further, because these two individual groups shown here are dedicated to each of the two villains mentioned:
Has anyone ever had this thought that Tempest Shadow has been too much of a glory hog when it comes to the evil side of the 2017 MLP Movie? And that all in all, she completely overshadowed the true baddie of the film (which, might I add, is MLP’s best villain yet)?
Well, look no further, because this group below here is dedicated to the almighty...
Is anyone around here a fan of a surprisingly eye-catching earth pony mare? A mare who is a Pillar of Old Equestria? Whose surprising beauty, pure heart, and healing ability knows no bounds? And truly deserves so much more than a complete lack of stories and fans?
Well, look no further, because this group is the exact place you’re looking for. It’s dedicated to the mare, and it’s where her fans can come together to commute, and even create stories for her:
I have been trading stocks on over the past ten weeks, and I am not gonna deny that it has been great. With a with dips here and there, I have mostly been gaining money off of it. And if you are smart about it, you can too. In fact, there might even be a way to do that more easily.
A nonprofit organization needs advertising. Yes, you have listened correctly; advertising for nonprofits is very important and also beneficial for their growth. Advertising has become an important tool for any nonprofit organization seeking new ways to reach out to people for help. Utilizing advertising correctly will benefit you in your NGOs.
In an increasingly digital world, nonprofit organizations are continually exploring new avenues to reach their target audiences and achieve their mission-driven goals. Traditional forms of advertising are often expensive and can be less effective in capturing the attention of today’s digital-savvy audience. This is where nonprofit native advertising comes into play. By integrating promotional content seamlessly
Has anyone ever had this knowledge that in spite of the Pillars of Old being the legendary heroes, there was a pony who was the very key to bringing them together? A pony who has intelligence and likes to think things through no matter what, but wasn’t noticed by anypony in the beginning?
And, might I add, let darkness corrupt him because of being neglected, until two certain ponies turned him around and he was able to reconcile his friendship with the Pillars?