1k Views! · 3:59pm Jun 25th, 2019
OMG OMG OMG! Thank you everyone so much for 1k views on my story, A Reminder Of Hope!
OMG OMG OMG! Thank you everyone so much for 1k views on my story, A Reminder Of Hope!
So... um, John just hit a thousand views... yeah...
I know bringing in views is not my real goal, just a bonus. I just love to try to entertain you all.
Still, that said. Thank you all so much!
Going to take a page out of season one Fluttershy's book and go hide somewhere from all the attention.
I don't really like making excuses, so I'm just going to come out and say it: Between INJUSTICE 2, Until Dawn and working seven days a week, I haven't really done much (read: anything) in the way of writing since my ol' buddy ol' pall Timaeus challenged me to write a TaviScratch one-shot which I promptly started and then stopped working on partway through. I know: naughty Blundy.
If so, what would people like to see? Can suggest themes, plots, and/or characters you'd like to see. I'll also attempt to keep it TEEN-rated (maybe even make a MATURE-rated version to go along with it) so all my readers can enjoy it (since Queen Of The Netherworld was pretty... steamy...).
Hey everyone,
I just wanted to make a quick post to thank all of the readers and sort of celebrate a milestone that Fallout Equestria: Clockwork Precision has just reached. Well, RECENTLY reached.
Currently the story is fast approaching the 30k total reads mark, along with breaking the 1k, individual readers benchmark. So, the story's had over a thousand people give it a look see. I know, that's nothing compared to a lot of stories. But, for me, it's huge!
hoo boy.
So, the story "This is bad!" just broke a thousand likes. Woo hoo!
I am really happy about this.
So “Test of Ideals” hit a thousand views a couple of day ago!
I want to thank all y’all for reading my typed internet letters so much. It means a lot.
Once I get around to reading a couple of stories I’ve promised to I’m going to post a 1k special, going over and making better every previous chapter (especially 7 pt1) as well as post the new one!
Again, thanks a ton for reading all, here’s to many more chapters 🥳🥳🥳
You guys! I just noticed that my very first story, Just A Minute, has reached more than a thousand views! Thank you for your support! I love you all so much!
I have no idea where you all came from but thank you so much for checking out my story!
Quick update: I am currently working on the next chapter but writing it may be slow because I am with my family across the country. I am also working on two other stories so the update itself will come when I can make it.
So this one was written for Quills and Sofas fic contest a little while back. A week or two.
There were three prompt words, and you had to use two of them. The three words were accidental, denied, and intertwined.
Since I’m an overachiever, I naturally used all three.
That's right, today is the day Long Live the Queen's first chapter was published. It has been a long year, and I've written a lot of pony words, but I have had fun with it! I just want to thank all of you wonderful readers for sticking with me even though my updates are erratic (school and work and homework just have made it hard to write for fun! ) The good news though is, once Spring semester is over this next year I AM DONE! Which means hopefully more time to write!
It's... kind of a special day. And you're invited to be a part of it.
Hope I get to see some of you there.
Wow! We actually managed to get to 1k in under a year! My first story, Prismatic Pest, released on the 19th of May 2022 - almost a full year ago! It's surreal to know you guys enjoy the stories enough to follow and support me, and even more insane to think there's now 1,000 of you! It's a huge milestone, and we even had a near full month left of time!
Ladies and gentlemen, it has happened...
FireRain has just hit 1K Subscribers!
Omg. It has finally happened! The milestone has been reached!
Never thought I'd ever get this far, but it's great to know I did, and it's thanks to everyone who supported me. I'm trying to take all of this in right now...
Over 1000 views... woah.
This is the first of my stories to hit that milestone! While I try to figure out why it is so well received, let me just say this:
Thank you, everyone!