overwatch shit · 7:14am Dec 18th, 2016
>tmw ur a mercy main and ur team has one healer
>and u pick bastion
>on attack
>tmw ur a mercy main and ur team has one healer
>and u pick bastion
>on attack
Our dog Remington just died about a hour ago and we finished burying him. Im sad
But what's some food that would work as funny pony names aside from cheese poof
the mods
they're coming for me
hide me pls
New (non-H&HW) headcanon: Latest meme around CHS is taking unintimidating/unflattering pictures of Sunset Shimmer with the hashtag #WatchOutPrincess
Last final in a few hours. The stress is almost gone.
Go here.
It's for HaHCon.
We big deal now.
come bother us like usual. It's Carrier of heartbreak today, drinking games, and more!!!
So, realized it's been a bit since I've just sat down and actually let you all know what was going on, where we were going, and how fast. The answer to each in succession is Work, Play, and As Fast As I Can Get Away With Reasonably.
Oh god is it a pile of beautiful hot garbage.
There's not much to say... just go read it. Just read it. It makes me happy. Just... so happy.
HERE IT IS: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/394099/lickety-split-has-a-bad-day
We got Fi again!
You bored?
It's the perfect time to go to the Barcast and listen to us with guest JakeWhyman! HOORAY!
So, as a few of you know, I'm an Admin in the Good HiE List and tonight we're doing a livestream. I've issued a challenge to the streamers and, if they fail, on of the viewers will win the prize instead. The prize is an MLP CCG deck built by yours truly and shipped to (whoever) on my own dime.
Other than that, it's going to be a fairly normal stream and we have (possibly) Bendy, Enigmatic Otaku, Flammerwerfer, (possibly) ROBcakren, and our Admins (MilkSnipe, Listener, Ravvij, Redshirt).
Come talk to our guests, listen to me rant about babscon, and be a shit at me, Priest, Damien, Tux, and all the other usual fucks.
See you there.
Follow the link to Twitch to watch us make The Manliest Bronie miserable!
Mikesnipe on Twitch
Ask questions too! Just keep it pg-13, please.