I'm still nursing the boner I got from the Bayonetta reveal or Sm4sh, dood. It's pretty painful and it's not going away.
I'm sorry everyone, dood.
I'm still nursing the boner I got from the Bayonetta reveal or Sm4sh, dood. It's pretty painful and it's not going away.
I'm sorry everyone, dood.
An OC wanders into the Frozen North and is going to die.
Why would anypony throw themselves into the cold, inhospitable arctic? It's more than crazy. It isn't just desperate. It's suicide.
im seeing hints that season 6, episode 16 of mlp fim will have a former antagonist return for peace... i love just what this one is...
the changlings return for a more peasefull ending! just rumors so far, but this is one i pray is real!!!
As of right now there is ONE DAY... 10 hours... and 22 minutes left until episode 100. I'm so hyped! Every time a new episode is being released, I try to avoid trailers at all costs. I hate spoilers. So the three week hiatus has been killing me (Not really. I DO have a life outside of pony). But man. I didn't know it was going to be an extended hiatus, so I was caught off guard. I hope it's great for all it's been built up to be by Hasbro. So, here's to hoping episode 100 is in the top ten best
Chapter Alpha is done! 1/24 Chapters for this story.
We need to keep working o spreading the hype. This is a whole new thing, completely new, original, and branded, possibly never done betore.
You'll know how it's a very original idea, once you read it.
It's good.
Spread the story hype to, friends, family, people you don't even know, anyone!
I still need coverart.
Awwww yeah, here it is. You followers of mine might have noticed the story that just went up, and exactly what kind of story it is. For those who haven't, lemme tell you: The unanticipated sequel to Death by Dragon!!! Yes, to mark DbD's four year anniversary of its submission, I present to you my lovely readers the continuation of Spike Dragon's blood-drenched legacy. What new conflicts, foes might arise? What exactly has become of Equestria after DbD?? Well click on the story and check it for
This is our upcoming 3D model for Fallout Equestria: Redemption is Magic! Hindsight will appear in many of our videos, so make sure to follow my account for more updates, including links to videos!
"I have given up so much to try and save a son who didn't even survive, that's why I fight, I fight to honor my son's memory."
I have good news fans and haters of D=S-M! Chapter 1 is almost complete and Chapter 2 is quickly on its way! Now, don't expect much too soon. I am not going to be so bold as to stick a time to post on this thing yet, since its still in the "editing" phase, but, I can assure you it has been written and fleshed out and... I REALLY enjoyed what has happened so far.
Hey all gonna keep it short here,
But to be blunt, ya'll remember that sequel of that one fic, that everybody seemed to love but probably wasn't gonna make it happen. Well... it's coming...
Well, I meant to do it earlier today, but some family obligations kept me later than initially anticipated. Now, however, the story is officially out. The first two chapters are live for consumption today. I'm planning on putting out one a week, every Monday, for now.
I think I've said everything I need to on the subject in the past few days, so check it out, spread the word, and enjoy!
Prepare your asses, ladies and gentlemen, because tomorrow we're going right on back into the world of Minegarde to kick some serious monster butt, get some money, and get ALL the waifus!
Well, you all can.
I have to wait until my birthday.
New Celldweller track next friday. I'm so hyped!!
Just listen to this (and turn the volume up to the max)!