PS5 Announcements! · 12:59am Jun 12th, 2020
Hmm... now let's see...
Yeah, I believe this sums my feelings up nicely:
Hmm... now let's see...
Yeah, I believe this sums my feelings up nicely:
For anyone keen to check out a crossover fanfic that has received overwhelmingly positive reviews, I invite you to check out the second volume of my epic crossover between custom version of a Godzilla and Marvel universes.
I am almost finished with the next chapter, but…I would like to inform you that I have made some changes in some of the earlier chapters. Most notably have I removed any mentions that Starlight Glimmer was a senator. Now she is a scientist in charge of a rival company to CelestiaCorp called 'Glimmer Industries'.
From Dynamite Comics' Gargoyles miniseries (only three issues to go until it wraps up and we find out if we're getting another or an ongoing) by series co-creator Greg Weisman. Picking up after the season 2 finale and Slave Labour Graphics' previous "Clan-Building" series, the Gargoyles existence has been publicly exposed to a stunned human race. Goliath is captured by the NYPD gargoyles task force (ironically headed by human ally Matt Bluestone) and held at Rikers Island while a court
My niece asked me to sketch and color in Spider-Man first, then Spider-Gwen. What do you guys think? Been forever since I drew Spider-Man as a kid, and first time drawing Spider-Gwen.
You know, I wasn’t going to post anything for a few more days, just so no one missed the Christmas story I put up … But I’m gonna link that right here and say “Hey, you should check that out.”
So hey, you should check that out.
12/16/17 notes
0. Just an idea.
1. My spelling and grammar is so bad that 1 person thinks it is my 2nd language but it is not.
2. Please tell me somehow, if I get spelling/grammer wrong or if I "ruin" your experience with bad words/Beliefs/other things not mentioned here. I will also do my best to straighten things out if you don't understand it.
Happy Spook Day, true believers!
I ended up taking this month as a sort of break month following the release of the last Stallion of Tomorrow chapter, and I'm starting work on the next one. In the meantime, have some art of my pone dressed as another superhero for Nightmare Night.
For those who want to know what happens in the new Morbius movie, I did some digging around and found the original script for the film before it was reshot. Hope you enjoy what I found:
I came back from watching the new Spider-Man movie and OH MY GOD! This live up to my expectations and it was the most mind blowing animated movie!
No spoiler here but I highly suggest you need to watch Across the Spider-Verse! Go see it!
Oh! I even got a free limited edition poster of New Transformers movie! :)
Emma Stone's most recent movie, The Favorite, is probably the movie that deserves the most awards this season (alongside Roma), and since I never lose a moment where I can admire this beauty that I've been following since 2012, it's time I share with all of you the movie that made me love her.
Rating Scale:
12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film
10/10—the standard rating; awesome film with a couple of flaws
9/10—a wonderful film with several flaws
8/10–a great film with numerous flaws but not enough to ruin it
Spider-Man no way home has had their new trailer released & I finally watched it…….
…….. and it was amazing I’m so hoping if lives up to the hype.
Hey guys, it's Equestrian Defender.
And oh... boy am I not looking forward to the inevitable backlash I'm going to get from this.
Now, before you guys come at me with torches and pitchforks, please let me explain.
So, yeah. I am planning on doing a full reboot of my story. This was not a spur of the moment decision, it's one I've been debating on back and forth in my head ever since I took my little hiatus.
Rating Scale:
12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film
10/10—the standard rating; awesome film with a couple of flaws
9/10—a wonderful film with several flaws
8/10–a great film with numerous flaws but not enough to ruin it