Q&A: Ask Me Anything! · 10:28pm Feb 25th, 2016
Hey guys, since I reached a milestone, I thought it would be fun to do a Q&A with you guys. Ask me anything you'd like, and I'll answer in another blog!
You won't regreeeet iiiiiit~!
Hey guys, since I reached a milestone, I thought it would be fun to do a Q&A with you guys. Ask me anything you'd like, and I'll answer in another blog!
You won't regreeeet iiiiiit~!
I've always loved answering questions. Dunno why, I just do. Anyways, in an attempt to... Well, I don't know why I'm doing this, honestly. So you guys can ask me questions and I'll do my best to answer them
Maybe I do want some interaction with somepony... Haven't socialized lately. I guess q&as are the result of that
Well, here we are again, everypony! Here are you answers.
Lone_Beast >>> Yes! I very much so do plan on writing a oneshot clop of RariJack. I've been waiting to write one for a long time now, but I've been waiting to do so until I finish my last chapter (which will be very very soon, hopefully within this week! I promise!)
Come watch as I try to be a bad ass but fail at it deeply...and come ask any questions you may have for to love a queen!
Before I let you guys ask questions, I want to explain why I'm having a Q&A this late.
It's because I'm in the kitchen and I can't quite leave yet, so I'm bored.
And why am I in the kitchen? Because I just made Brownies. They are baking so I'm bored.
Okay, go ahead and ask me anything.
(after my participation in the play, you should have something to ask)
I saw this done by many of my friends on this website so go ahead ask me anything.
DEADLINE FOR QUESTIONS: April 15, 2016 11:59pm
If you have a question that you would like to have featured in the Q+A, include the phrase "For Q+A" in your comment. It can be anything regarding the fic, myself, artwork, or whatever!
What your favorite anime?
How did you get into MLP?
Are you a gAmEr?
What is your favourite book?
The Hobit
Hey my followers I hope you actually read my blogs because I want to see if you have any questions or queries related to me or my stories on fimfiction or if any of you would like to I'm interested in roleplay with my oc's via Skype instant massaging and would be happy to rp with you guys
So ask away
Submissions so far are awesome, keep them coming! Some of our candidates are really put on the spot and I'm having fun writing their responses, or on occasions where somepony else might jump in with their own elder-sibling take/opinion
I'm close to finishing up the flashback sequence with Nightwatch at which point I'll then jump to Quickbolt's perspective to round out our chapter. From there it's a few editing passes, cleanup, and then an official Publish!
After over two years and about 130k words, I just posted the epilogue. The curtains fall on A Bug on a Stick.
OK, so for this Q&A you can ask either me or any one of my OC's a question. My OC can be from any story Ove written, even if they don't have a main part, or if you haven't even seen them in the story yet, you might just get to hear about another pony talk about them in my stories. Just make sure to let me know in the comments who your questions for, and obviously what the question is. So... Is there anything you want to know?
5 months ago, I posted my first Q&A blog when I had only a few number of followers. Now that I've surpassed 50, I've decided that it's time for another Q&A.
Questions can be about anything you have in mind (non-MLP-related ones are acceptable). If you have questions that are completely random, go ahead and post them in the comments. I'll answer them accordingly.
Fire it up!
Okay we get it other crazy me.
Oh come on, can't I sing mah favorite song?
It's not your favorite song, it's just catchy.
Also, you like to sing that song as an excuse to annoy other people.
What, bucking, ever.
Let's just combine to and get this Q&A done.
Previous Blog: A Chaotic Q&A #3: Ask Away
If you haven't already, be sure to check my other main works.
~ Equestrian Earth the MMORPG: An epic oddessy of 6 mares and one dragon. All being woven into one story.
We're back with week five of my Persona Q coverage!
Remember, only plot spoilers from P3/P4 will be tagged! Character names from both games and plot details specific to Persona Q will NOT be tagged. Proceed at your own risk.