2 Hour Left.. · 11:07am Sep 12th, 2016
..until you guys get to read probably the worst story I've ever written
..until you guys get to read probably the worst story I've ever written
I've entered Estee's Swift Selections contest, having picked the Crossover genre, and am currently working on my idea for it. The nature of the crossover should come as no surprise—they can't all be superhero origin stories—but I'm not sure which of two potential cover images will work better. Thus, I'm asking for an outside opinion. Which of the following
I should probably do a piece on the show’s impact on my life at some point; all the cool kids are doing one. For right now, though, I’m playing with the new data available. Here are some discarded ideas for why Spike isn’t available in an upcoming story, tentatively titled Momento Morerunt.
Who here remembers My Little Pony Adventure?
Some of you might. Well, I don't have a new chapter for those of you who have been patiently waiting. I do, however, have a new story in the same universe that I have to have up before tomorrow morning. Keep your eyes peeled and get hype.
So the cover art and synopsis for the first of the Season 10 comics has been unveiled (full article here.). And for the more lore-loving side of the fandom...I think you're gonna like this one. Maybe. We'll see. And yeah, it's kinda non-canon, but hey...it's something, right?
I've been trying not to talk about The Friendship Games, mostly to avoid bursting from excitement, but I just watched that 10 minute sneak peek, and I gotta say a few things.
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay!
What a nice surprise we're given today!
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay!
Wonderful feeling, wonderful day!
And they look AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm fully aware of the role swap contest that wraps up in a few days. I love the idea (It hinges on AUs, how could I not?) but between other projects and my muse coming up blank, I didn't think I'd be able to throw my hat in the ring. Well, I only got the idea a few days ago and the deadline's tomorrow, so I still may not, but I can at least work with it. And offer a preview:
Hey, for those who still want to support me financially in my tough times and read 20K words of my original short fiction, today is your LAST CHANCE to subscribe to Monthly Musings for July's edition. The theme this time around is is "Real Nightmares," and the stories are... distressing. Read at your own risk kinda distressing, not the gross weird kind. You've been warned...
It's not quite the most wonderful time of the year, whatever that will mean for 2020, but it is getting close. After all, Jinglemas sign-ups are open!
So I was procrastinating writing, as one does, and going through old screenshots. I had forgotten that I used to post screenshots of the unpublished chapter titles as teasers of what was to come, which I thought was kinda fun, so I'm gonna do that again. So here's a little teaser of what's to come for The Setting Sun!
The release date: September 21st 2018!
Then you'll never see me again
Hey guys! Been quiet for a few months, but this time it’s because I’ve been cooking up some secret fun stuff with the dozens and dozens of volunteers for Ponyville Ciderfest’s Storytelling Adventure rather than depression! I’m real excited for you all to see the stuff we’ve done, but it’s not time yet! Soon, though.
(Although if you want to be there in person, tickets are on sale![/shill])
Just as the title explains, the newest chapter is now live and ready! Let's see the start of the epic conclusion of Rengar versus Kha'zix!
Hi, all. It's your friendly neighborhood Thought Prism. Some of you may have noticed that my second Magic: The Gathering crossover, In the Clouds, has recently been completed. If you're the sort of person who only likes to read finished work, have at it. If you're not especially knowledgeable about that franchise, that's ok too, since the final piece of short fiction I wrote over the semester,