Highlights from BronyCon 2018: "That Game that Nobody Ever Wins" · 12:11am Oct 22nd, 2018
Previous Highlight (Chronological Order): Rain, Rain, Go Away
Previous Blog Post (Publication Order): No Highlights from BronyCon 2018 today: IRL version
Previous Highlight (Chronological Order): Rain, Rain, Go Away
Previous Blog Post (Publication Order): No Highlights from BronyCon 2018 today: IRL version
NOTE: In the course of meeting so many people over a weekend, some names inevitably slip one's mind, no matter how hard one tries to remember. In such cases, names are replaced by question marks. If any owners of those names are reading this, by all means send me a reminder.
For a similar reason, these are presented out of chronological order.
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Day one. Pascoite is giving out free samples.
Previous Highlight An Army of Bronies
In which a delay at one restaurant leads to a chance encounter at another.
Saturday, July 28, 2018, Day 2 of BronyCon
After my talk with Lightning Bliss, I spent some time at StableTop Games (the game room). There, I finally played some Magic: the Gathering with Pink Flash.
Previous Highlight (Chronological Order): "That Game that Nobody Ever Wins"
Previous Highlight (Publication Order): Where Art Thou, Firebrand?
In which autographs are collected, gifts are given, and references fly over people’s heads.
Or: Alicorns, wolves, and hippogriffs, oh my!
Previous Highlight: That's Not Firebrand!
In which son_of_heaven176 gets more autographs, but still fails to find Firebrand.
Friday, July 27, 2018: Day 1 of BronyCon