welcome to the true man's world
[Soft Singing]
All my life people have told me I was nothing
That my life was pointless with no meaning
That's when you came along and fucked me up more
I put up with your shit for six long years
Six years of this fucking hell
Now you're gone and my heart's in pieces
My mind bends and breaks at the thought of you
You’re a serpent of my hate
Now I lay here and Accept my fate.
Fuck you and everything you stand for.
Now that you're gone my life has forever changed
As mentioned in my blog, the FlutterDash group ran a contest, challenging folks to write a FlutterDash story for a $60 prize.
We got 19 entries. 19!
Apparently people think they’re adorable together. Or at least make a good pair of friends, as a good number of the stories ultimately ended up being more about their friendship than them nuzzling.
https://youtu.be/I73sBhHH69E cheesy exercise music video I was part of last month just dropped! Shout out to occasionally finding good gigs on craigslist! Also shout out to the artist CHYL she's chill (haha) and the songs a legit old-school 90s EDM esque (i think? Does this qualify as house? I've forgotten my inchoate to begin with Electronica sub genres knowledge lol) any the point is the songs a bop go listen to it thanks and have a great day!