
Viewing 21 - 40 of 53 results

[FANFICTION FRIDAY] Results at last! · 4:19am Feb 12th, 2019

So the winner, with 13 votes, is Fallen Star.

"But wait," you say, "The poll results only show 3 votes for Fallen Star."

Ah, you're right...unless you count the votes from the Patreon supporters, where each dollar represents a vote, and Fallen Star got an additional 10 votes thanks to that.

So if you dislike the results of this poll, get over to my Patreon page and become a patron.


Errata on Lost Little Wolf, Fanfiction Friday Notes, and Other · 2:46pm Jul 3rd, 2017

Errata on Lost Little Wolf

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[UPDATE] So, anyone ready for another Fanfiction Friday? · 12:41am Dec 31st, 2017

My job has finally decided that they're "caught up" and have reduced the general workload from 60-hr. work weeks starting at "KILL ME NOW' o'clock to a much more reasonable 40-hr. work week starting at 5:00 AM. This means that I'm not going to be stumbling home at 2:30 PM after a 10 hour work day and taking 3-4 hour naps followed by an hour of fueling up and getting ready for the next day, then following that up with another 3-4 hour nap before starting the process all over again. This means I

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[FANFICTION FRIDAY] Eep! Almost forgot to post this! · 12:00am Feb 3rd, 2018

So it's that time again, and remember, Lost Little Wolf is NOT an option on the poll this week since it won the vote two weeks in a row. You may be interested, however, in voting for a new project I've been asked to help out with. While I don't normally really go for gangland style fiction, ppg1998 pitched an idea to me that convinced me to give it a go. If you're interested in seeing what this colaboration produces, vote for The Mafia's Saints. (This makes two fics that

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[FANFICTION FRIDAY] Be warned, the Fission fans are finding me · 8:12pm Jan 26th, 2018

It's that time again! Follow this link to vote in the poll:

Strawpoll is having problems, for some reason. Since I still want to get this ball rolling, I'm using for this week's vote; you will have to enter a name to vote, feel free to enter pure jibberish if you want to preserve your anonymity.

By way of refresher, here's the fics available to vote for:


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Finally posting for [FANFICTION FRIDAY] · 2:39am Jun 12th, 2017

As I'm already considerably late getting this poll posted (it was supposed to go up Friday morning) I'm leaving it open for a full 48 hours as opposed to 24 like usual, so poll will close on Tuesday night.

Also, I've decided to modify the voting slightly: If one of these fics gets picked more than twice in a row, it's removed from the voting for at least one FANFICTION FRIDAY. Some of these fics have been languishing for years, gotta show them some love, too!

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[FANFICTION FRIDAY] Friday Night Update · 5:06am Jan 27th, 2018

Lost Little Wolf is off to an early lead with 8 votes (and I expected it would, anyway). Coming in second is Fission (but then, I expected that, too). Fallen Star pulls in last so far with a single vote (and I'm pretty sure I know who cast said vote).

Double Trixie Trouble falls from grace and joins the "zero votes" club, alongside Generations of Heroes, Destiny is Like Turtle Wax, Agents of S.M.I.L.E., Destiny with a Capital 'D', and Statutory Consequences.

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[FANFICTION FRIDAY] Poll results for 6/9/2017 · 4:06am Jun 14th, 2017

As the title says, the results are in. Lost Little Wolf once again dominated with 58% of the vote. This also means that when the next poll goes up (in 2-3 weeks most likely if history is any indicator) that LLW will be ineligible for voting. Savor the upcoming chapter, my larvae, 'cause it'll have to tide the Swarm over for a month or so. :duck:

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[FANFICTION FRIDAY] Update for Saturday, 1/27/2018 · 12:27am Jan 28th, 2018

So apparently the Swarm doesn't like being threatened.

Unless at least 10 more votes come in for Fission, the next project to get worked on will be Lost Little Wolf. This is the point where Fission would be writing a concession speach for this week's poll.

In the interest of fairness, I'll be leaving the polls open until tomorrow evening. You can always...

Vote here:


[FANFICTION FRIDAY] On research... · 7:53pm Mar 3rd, 2017

So for reasons, I needed to have an idea what kind of calendar Equestria would use.

Being fairly familiar with calendaring and having an armchair researcher's understanding of the history of them, I set about researching what we knew about the Equestrian calendar and built from there.

Facts we know:
* Our calendars are based on the sun and moon's movements through the sky

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[FANFICTION FRIDAY] Hmmm...I may need more time for this... · 2:52pm Mar 5th, 2017

So this chapter is turning out to be a LOT bigger than I thought it would. What seems in the mind's outline to be a simple few scenes can require a LOT of additional dialog and narrative to stitch them all together. I'm torn at this point on whether to split the chapter or just post one really long one.


[FANFICTION FRIDAY] Work was done... · 5:25am Jun 26th, 2016

Granted, not alot of work, but some was, indeed, done.

Good news: I'm finally able to get back to Trixie (one of them) with this chapter.

Bad news: Thanks to my ex-wife's shenanigans, I was only able to get a few paragraphs in today.

I want to get some ideas out of my head before too long, so I will be doing more work on it before the weekend is over, I'm just not sure when I'll be able to post the update.


[FANFICTION FRIDAY] Late poll · 6:03pm Sep 14th, 2018

I can't post the Fanfiction Friday poll while at work, since the login for Strawpoll is done through Twitch, and good luck getting a video streaming site focused on gaming through a corporate firewall. Look for the poll tonight or tomorrow.


[FANFICTION FRIDAY] After months of waiting... · 2:53am Jan 6th, 2018

It's finally time! Follow this link to vote in the poll:

Since Strawpoll only allows for a single line per option, and in case you needed the refresher, here's the options in detail again:


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[FANFICTION FRIDAY] Closing the poll, Sunday, 2/4/2018 · 1:39am Feb 5th, 2018

Fun fact, did you know there's some sort of sportsball game on today? I found out when I went to take out the trash and everyone in my apartment complex was doing cooking on grills and *shudder* socializing.

However, that's not why we're here, we're here because the Swarm marched it's way into the poll, slammed their hooves down, and shouted, "MOAR!!!1"

Specifically, more changeling related fics.

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[FANFICTION FRIDAY] The results... · 2:32am Jan 29th, 2018

...of a freakin' CURB STOMP!

Lost Little Wolf completely buried every other option in the poll, so guess what I'm working on this week. That was rhetorical, you know what I'm working on this week, after all, the vast majority of you told me what you wanted. :twilightoops:

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[FANFICTION FRIDAY] Here's the poll · 4:21am Feb 9th, 2019


[REPOST] [FANFICTION FRIDAY] For the Swarm... · 4:06am Jun 12th, 2017

I already tagged the DTT fans, so this repost is for the LLW Swarm:

As I'm already considerably late getting this poll posted (it was supposed to go up Friday morning) I'm leaving it open for a full 48 hours as opposed to 24 like usual, so poll will close on Tuesday night.

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Poll results for [FANFICTION FRIDAY] for 7/7/17 · 3:49pm Jul 10th, 2017

So it looks like my plan to leave the poll open for the whole weekend worked out well, and we have a surprise winner: Fallen Star

What is Fallen Star? Remember the "Un-named MLP:FiM Human-in-Equestria fic" that's been sitting in the poll for the last few weeks? The original requester (I'll post their identity in the author's notes) contacted me when their requested fic pulled ahead in the polls on Saturday with an idea for the title.

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[FANFICTION FRIDAY] Get ready to vote... · 10:46pm Jan 30th, 2019

When my mental creativity dam breaks, there's a flood...

So Fission Chapter 8 has exceeded my original expectations on the length, so I'm running a poll on my Patreon page to vote on whether I split the chapter (which would allow another Fanfiction Friday vote) or power through and make Ch. 8 the single longest chapter of fiction I've ever written.

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 53 results