
Viewing 21 - 40 of 321 results

When Cozy Met Tirek PREVIEW · 6:19pm May 16th, 2020

When started writing my Cozy Glow origin story (which went through two title changes) for the Depth in Innocence contest, the deadline was so distant that it kept slipping my mind. On Mother's Day, I checked the contest rules to see how much time I had left, and noticed that the deadline to sign up for the contest had already passed.


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Report Maran · 222 views · #cozy glow #tirek

Is Cozy Glow Hosting a Night Shadow? · 8:28am Nov 14th, 2019

What is Cozy Glow?

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Blogapalooza · 3:56pm Oct 14th, 2018

JK, this is just a regular ol' update. For those of you waiting on the next chapter of Fourteen Years Gone, I apologize for the delay. I’ve been busy with some other things, namely finishing the first draft of my original screenplay :yay:, but it is now up next on my agenda. In the meantime, you could always check out my other recently published work: Cozy Glow vs Chrysalis. I'm guessing it didn't explode in popularity

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Remember when everyone thought Cozy Glow was Queen Chrysalis in disguise? · 3:03am Apr 28th, 2020

Yeah, good times.

Thank god the Season 9 premiere finally jossed that theory for good, because it was actually getting annoying in my personal opinion.


Story Notes: Heart In Pieces · 3:16am Sep 2nd, 2020


New Story! · 12:14pm Jun 3rd, 2020

Hey everyone.

I must be on some kind of roll. I began 2020 by posting a new story, Ever After Never Came. It's a sequel to Imaginary, but can be read as a stand-alone. It sadly hasn't been read by too many people, but maybe it'll get there eventually.

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All That We Are. Chapter 2 · 10:20pm Oct 13th, 2019

Chapter 2 is up and it contains one of the primary scenes I constructed this story idea around. So far, I'm really liking how this is coming together and feel way more confident going forward from here. Enjoy.

EAll That We Are
All processing their encounter with Aurelian very differently, the three villains part ways on paths that will ultimately lead them back together in a way they did not expect.
Marezinger Z · 39k words  ·  274  9 · 4.7k views

Making Amends · 1:15am Apr 16th, 2022

In chapter 12 of my Twinkle Shine story, Twinkle makes amends with Cozy Glow, the monster who haunts her dreams... Since then, I've noticed a distinct change in my thinking and how I view things... All the pain from the past no longer really hurts when I dwell on it because I feel like I've learned to accept and live with it now... What's done is done and nothing could ever change that... I can, however, control how I view it and what story I tell myself. In that way, I can

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Trixie Interviews: 5/22/2020 · 4:34am May 23rd, 2020

Well I've been writing on this thing for 6 weeks now. I'll tell you now that this is actually part of my homemade therapy regimen. Between all of the trauma I've experienced and the fact that I am transgender, I really should be in therapy anyway! Regardless, I've been trying to figure out which direction I want to take this story now. Well believe it or not, I actually had no control over the 3 nightmares she had in chapter 4. All I could do was just type about what this filly who represented

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Where to take this · 1:37am Jul 20th, 2020

I'm taking a little hiatus from my regular writing to read a bit more and consider where I'm at with Cozy during this long day. I know I need to get her to accept her place as a daughter and get her to understand that this is about figuring her out. I intend to do the former in chapter 9 and the latter in chapter 8. How to take it in the right direction seems problematic, but not impossible. I'm thinking I'll start brainstorming on this idea some more and reading a bit of what I already wrote

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In Twinkle Shine's mind · 11:43pm Dec 19th, 2021

Many of the transgender allegories used here are fairly obvious. For instance, Twinkle Shine is the name she chose for herself, and therefore, her name is Twinkle Shine now, and not Cozy Glow... Her ghosts are a past reflection of herself, much like my own ghosts are just past reflections of me. They haunt her dreams, and while she cannot get away, she can learn to deal with these nightmares and possibly even make friends with them.

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Slow and steady · 9:13pm Aug 17th, 2020

I'm averaging about 2 pages a day because I keep rehashing things in order to word them right. While I have an editor now, I'm thinking if both of us work on it to this end, what gets made should be amazing! However, that's actually not the only reason progress is so slow right now. The truth is, I was talking again about gender dysphoria and what that's like in my story and I really don't like to talk about that. It just makes me think about how awful it makes me feel and I really don't like

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Pre-release version · 4:48pm Jun 21st, 2020

Well I finally got done with chapter 6 today! There's a lot of notes and other things designed to help me piece it together at this point and I just gave the pre-release version to my pre-readers. In my process, that's the version of the chapter right before my final edit and publication. Next, I rehash it a time or two while taking whatever they said into consideration.

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Calling it now · 4:36pm May 8th, 2019

Cozy Glow comes from the future, where Grogar's alliance won and the ponies are enslaved to his will. Her contacting Tirek and getting thrown in Tartarus was all to win not only Tirek's friendship, but Grogar's attention. Now that she's in Grogar's inner circle, she's gonna try to win over Tirek and Chrysalis and pit them against Grogar.


Friend sent me what they think will happen later on in my fic · 2:20am Oct 11th, 2019


The good filly · 11:24pm Jan 27th, 2021

Cozy's psychosis in my story is in reality, a representation about how I feel about being transgender... I feel like I can't just be like everyone else! I feel like I have to be better than that! I feel like life threw me a weird curve ball there and truth be told, it did effectively end my marriage earlier and created a whole new world of struggle for me. But looking back, it did help shape my character and help me develop empathy. Well, there's good and bad in everything yes? I also have a

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Trapped in stone · 2:12pm Oct 27th, 2020

In Trixie Interviews: The Cozy Glow Story, being trapped in stone is my metaphor for knowing you're transgender and not being able to do anything about it. When she asks Trixie if she can go back to being in stone again, that was me briefly pondering if I should just stop my transition and go back to pretending to be male again... Well, it occurs to me that that made me very unhappy, but at the same time, at least I didn't have all of these worries and anxieties? But the truth I'm starting to

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A deep need · 12:16pm Jun 2nd, 2020

So Cozy Glow is an allegory for me in the story and I understand that... It has also come to my attention that I appear to be giving her everything I once needed in my life? It's almost like I'm caring for her, well me in the story? Although the latest bombshell I dropped while writing yesterday kinda blew my mind, even though it really all makes sense when I think about it? I mean, I faced that demon alone! I almost didn't make it when I think about it, but my body seems very tough and I have

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Cozy Glow Contest #2 · 4:04am Jul 19th, 2021


Site Post » Cozy Glow Short Story Contest! · 10:24pm Jul 23rd, 2021

Here’s another contest about everyone’s favorite filly.

Unless you like Twist or something.

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Report Majin Syeekoh · 6,593 views · #cozy glow #contest
Viewing 21 - 40 of 321 results