
Viewing 281 - 300 of 525 results

Poll Closed! · 5:21pm Apr 9th, 2020

I figure a week is enough time to let the poll be open, so it's time to close it and see what we've got!

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Decide the next monster · 1:33am Dec 30th, 2020

So guess what you get to help pick out what the next monster the mc meets, or will the customer, well you get to decide the next species. I mean might as well have fun with this and keep me on my toes.


Poll time · 4:24am Jul 2nd, 2019

Hey guys, it's been a bit since I've done a poll.

Well, this poll is for a very special project in regards to ol' king Sombra. Basing off of the live action version of Beauty and the Beast's Evermore - my favorite song from the film. I've been on and off this project since I heard it over a year ago. Just gotta pick which version of the song to use and start doing the computer editing of the project.

Songs are at the bottom here:

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Reader Request Poll #2 Results · 9:26am Oct 13th, 2022

Hello again everypony!! Thank you all so much for the help you have provided in giving my newfound inspiration guidance on which stories you want to see updated the most!! For those of you that voted, please accept my most humble gratitude for your assistance in this matter and give yourselves a heartfelt pat on the back for me and for your fellow readers. I am pleased to announce the results for the second Reader Request Poll, and in honesty, I was stunned by the consistency of the voting.

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Character Poll #1 · 5:29pm Jul 18th, 2021

What's good, denizens of the internet? Super Saiyan D here with something new to try out. I was curious of what you guys thought of some of the supporting cast of Break the Walls Down, so I decided to do a poll. You can vote for which original character so far is your favorite. I've chosen not to include guest OCs or characters adapted from the comics. With one partial exception, the choices will only be those straight from my own mind. I don't think it'd be koscher to mooch of someone

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NegotiationVerse: Need Your Help · 6:55pm Jan 25th, 2016

So, I need the help of those who have read Negotiations and Reunited. Before I say anything, yes I am planning to put out the next fic "Truths" out in late February/Early March. I've run into a snag while developing some aspects of Equestrian culture for the future fics of this six one shot series. Specifically, the religious aspect of Equestria.

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Poll thingy · 4:20pm Sep 5th, 2023

Hullo Pegasisters and Bronies! I need ya'll to vote for one the Mane 6 in this poll thing because I need it for my fanfic, but for what exactly? Uhhhhh... don't ask questions.

Report Hyper Star · 110 views · #Mlp #Main 6 #Mane 6 #MLP:FiM #Poll

Beyond the Borderlands Character Poll Day 2 Update! · 5:13pm Jul 24th, 2015

It is now over and done! The Beyond the Borderlands Character Poll Results have been updated to their original post here! Thanks everyone for voting!

Oh, and a new chapter is hitting in a few seconds. Are you ready?


Your Suggestions Are Bad and You Should Feel Bad · 7:35pm Mar 29th, 2016

Results of the poll are in: apparently, my readers are most interested in seeing the two projects that I provided the least amount of information about. :pinkiecrazy:

There's no accounting for taste, darlings.

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A bit about the Flipverse · 6:29pm May 28th, 2018

Though I'd wager it won't be a surprise to many of you.

I do like the Flipverse and I'm proud of the stories I've written for it, but unfortunately it also feels kind of distant. When I started it I wasn't too far behind and I finished the first story so fast I thought I'd catch up in no time.

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So, a question... · 10:51pm Jul 13th, 2018

So I've been working on a lot of things. I've done a lot but I'd like to hear from you guys on what I should focus on next. I have plans for each story and five different things to work on. I want you to choose what I focuse on first. So here are your choices.

  • Locksmith - my flagship title of this page. While not my first story... it is the one that caught a lot of interest.

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F/F/T3K15 January Poll · 3:59am Jan 11th, 2018

Hey, so there was supposed to be a poll this week! Sorry it wasn't ready for the update a few days ago, but them's the breaks. Pick some band names from this checklist. You get more than one, of course, because as a music fan myself I know picking just one can be a tall ask.

Choose your fate.

Report Fallen Prime · 286 views · #f/f/t3k15 #riff #poll #bands

New Story, Time To Vote · 3:08pm Jan 31st, 2019

Yes, I am alive, surprisingly. Though I must say I don't think I've been more stressed and busy than I have been the last couple of years. But anyhow, I've gotten back to writing again, hopefully I can somehow get The Sun's Damage finished. I was also thinking of starting to write a series of stories about a new teacher starting at Canterlot High with an air of magic to her, and a wandering eye on the students.

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The August 2020 Patreon Polls are officially complete! · 5:47am Sep 1st, 2020

Every month, I hold two different story polls on my Official Patreon page: One is the story poll, in which any Patrons with a $10 tier or higher can submit a story prompt of their own choosing. The second is the Randomizer Poll, in which I randomly select three different things chosen by Patrons of my top two tiers for a random story. And since September has officially started, I'm very happy to announce the two winning fics that'll be written before

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Double Idea Poll: JATP Chapter 2 & PATS Chapter 2 + Announcement: Delays · 12:50am Aug 29th, 2018

This one's going to be a little different, seeing as I'm polling for two stories at once. Though, the ideas with the most votes by the end of September will be used for the next chapter of their respective story, so not too different.

JATP Ideas

Opening Paragraph(s)
A) Solve an issue with Phantom Howler watching.
B) Have Phantom Howler help them solve a problem.
C) Something Else (List Option)

PATS Ideas

Opening Paragraph(s)

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A New Cover for A Thief's Tale · 9:27pm May 4th, 2020

There's not really much to it other than I commissioned another cover for A Thief's Tale because I didn't like the first one all that much in the first place. I'll be keeping an eye on the post for feedback, but here's the new cover as done by a russian guy.

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Dirty Little Secret Poll is Up · 10:07am May 6th, 2020


My November 2018 Patreon Story Kink Poll is Official Open! (Also, Happy 300th Blogpost!) · 7:40am Nov 23rd, 2018

This poll is open to the public, and will be open for voting until Midnight before the first of December.

If you want to further help assist with my capabilities as a writer, please consider following me on Patreon for this holiday season! Not only can you get exclusive content catered to your tastes, but you'll automatically receive content at least a day early at any tier!

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The Future of the Rhythm · 9:29am Nov 8th, 2019

For those of you who've been patiently waiting for the next arc of Rhythm of the Heat, I have some good news and bad news.

The bad news is that RotH as is died as of the end of Act I - big surprise, eh?

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Retconning The Snowverse · 3:48pm Apr 25th, 2022

Alrighty so, I've been thinking about this for some time over the past couple of years, and I've come to the conclusion that I want to make a change. That change is, as of now, to basically turn the Snowverse (which is what Without You takes place in) and instead of it being regular ponies, like it is now in the first story, and instead make it anthro.

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Viewing 281 - 300 of 525 results