SALT Monthly Contest Archive 15 members · 11 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Group Admin

It has been quiet recently...too quiet. Noble writers sleep, confidant that the insanity of a SALT prompt is simply a product of long past, or the far flung future. An eventuality that may never come to pass. Only the most learned among us can still see the signs of it's coming. Well, through some quirk of fate, some twist in time, or perhaps because February is a short month, I once again arise from the depths to bring you a mission. SALT continues!

Bizarre Celebrity Lecturers.
Have Celestia bring in a strange guest lecturer for Twilight or Twilicorn to study under for a day.
As for the image...

10 days gentlemen. Use them wisely.

Guest lecturer? Do you mean an actual real-world celebrity, or a pony version of one?

Group Admin

Yes, that is exactly what I mean. :eeyup:

So, it could be a pony version, or the human?

Group Admin

755877 and again, the answer is yes. :pinkiehappy: I am not being vague, honest! I just mean that if you decide one way or another, it will be within the boundaries of the prompt.

Group Admin

754007 755877 Guys, it looks like today is the deadline. I have here my entry for all of you to comment upon and edit as you will, and I look forwards to seeing anything you may have done.

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