Andrew Joshua Talon Fan Club 101 members · 0 stories
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Over in Spacebattles this thread was made for fan based omakes of Hands in where Discord after "Keep calm and Flutter on" set up a "simulator" in an empty field where as the thread title says allows whoever uses it to try out any fantasy they want...with the same moral lessons that happened in the show this is based folks go wild with short stories that you think would be a riot to see Andrew and the rest of the main cast go through! :pinkiehappy: I'll also occasionally posts pieces from Spacebattles in here.

How it all started.....


Its done! Finally this omake is done after 5 days working on it AHAHAHAHHAHAH! anyway I hope you enjoy it

*Andrew, Twilight and the gang trot up to a large set of empty fields where Celestia sits calmly sipping tea and doing some paperwork, while Discord idly stands nearby*

Discord: Well FINALLY.... I thought we'd never get this show on the road.

Twilight: *pointedly ignoring Discord* Why did you want to see us princess? And Andrew to.

Celestia: I wanted you all to help me witness a ... test case of a proposal Discord gave to me a few weeks ago.

Rainbow Dash: What kind of proposal?

Celestia: a Idea he had after watching some more human stuff that came through to Equestria

Rarity: More human made items... it seems there flow into Equestria has really increased....ever...since... Discord was....freed.

Discord: *whistles innocently*

Celestia: *Dryly* Quite... anyway he spent a good weekend watching some Human made entertainment program called Fantasy Island and its....'remake'?

*Andrews eyebrows raise and he gains a thoughtful look*

Andrew: Yeah I can sort of see how that setup might appeal to the Chaos Master here.

Applejack: Chaos Master? Ya know I heard Big Mac call him that to.

Andrew: Lets just say he insists we call him that during our game sessions. *under his breath* can't believe he sicced a pack of Gazebo's on me in the middle of Mordor just because I called him a normal GM instead.....

Twilight: Yeah we'll get back to your strange male ritual of bonding later Andrew

Discord: Oh, going to discuss that stallion Dusk Shine crashing the party a few weeks ago?

Twilight *HUGE blush*: LATER.... explain Fantasy Island NOW Andrew.

Andrew: A old TV show basic premise is a guy ends up on a Island that he can't leave, but while upon it is pretty much GOD. So he sets up a travel agency where people come to the island to live out there fantasy or wish. anything goes.

Rainbow Dash: Maybe it's just my imagination... but granting peoples wishes doesn't seem very chaotic to me.

Andrew: Well there is a catch in the old saying 'be careful what you wish for', and here is where Discord has his fun. Often what you dream about has consequences or causes you never considered and might not be prepared to handle. In the show the plot was driven as the vacationers 'fantasy' tended to spiral out of control.

It Generally ending with the wisher learning some valuable life lesson or truth about themselves, sometimes sweet sometimes tragic sometimes silly. Chaotic. Plus there was always the odd irredeemable wisher who got some ironic comeuppance.

Discord: you see! A little chaotic outlet and one that can provide a net benefit to those willing to learn a lesson!

Celestia: It also struck me as a potential method for discord to explore the consequences of actions, now that he is exploring the magic of friendship. So we agreed on a test case today. With myself and the elements of Harmony observing while i do some minor paperwork.

*Andrew suddenly looks suspicious*

Andrew: I'm going to be the test Subject aren't I?

Discord: Oh no my dear boy... we actually already have a volunteer!

*Suddenly a adorable young colt trotted up dressed up in a pirate outfit*

Twilight: Pipsqueak??

Pipsqueak: Ahoy! Miss Sparkle I'm going to get to play Pirate today!

Rarity: Pardon me Princess.... but are you sure its wise to have such a..... young one be Discords' test subject?

Discord: oh relax! I'm not going to hurt the little scamp. *Discord snaps and a translucent wall appears before them* My little foray has SOME safeguards in them... heck it even has age filters so that if anypony decides to get a little risque young pip here won't even hear or see a thing ;)

*As they chat young pipsqueak is prodded through the wall and they all see the field disappear into a picture of the open seas with a pirate galleon floating with young pipsqueak running about, as well as other blurred pony like bodies sailing the ship and doing nautical things.*

Andrew: I see you retained the basic nondescript form for NPCs in this. I assume anyone who goes through your barrier is transformed to a nautical theme outfit and role?

Discord: more or less.. depends on your costume and self image, plus a little bit of random chance.

Twilight: Andrew! How can you be so calm! Pipsqueak is in there alone at Discords mercy!

Celestia: Not quite alone...

*as they watch the captains cabin opens and Luna emerges in pirate captain attire 'note to self insert image here'*



Mane six: O_O

*none notice Andrew smirk and leave the area*

D: Well that appears to be my cue. Do enjoy the show Princess, Fluttershy, and the rest of you.

*discord suddenly ports out of there and suddenly a small fleet of ships is seen approaching Pirate Queen Luna's vessel.

All of the vessels are manned by mini-discords wielding wooden swords. At the helm of the lead ship is a full sized Discord dressed up in a French admiral uniform. After spending a dramatic moment posing he speaks

(And thanks to the magic of chaos his words can clearly be heard by those outside the field and those aboard Pirate Queen Luna's vessel clearly despite the apparent distance between them all.*

Discord: HO HO! At long last Pirate Queen Luna! I Monsieur Discord, admiral of the Discordance navy have you now! Surrender and tell us where the treasure lies and perhaps we shall merely imprison you in the Bastille!



*For the next half hour Celestia calmly enjoys her tea keeping one eye on the show, the other doing some work. While the Mane Six watch riveted at the old style sea battle taking place... Pirate queen Luna and pipsqueak managing to sink several, including one where they boarded and defeated the crew in swash buckling antics before setting the ship afire and escaping. Until finally*

Discord: AH HAH! I have you now Pirate Queen Luna! You and your first mate will tell me where the treasure is buried and then will hang for your crimes!!! HO HO!

Fluttershy: Oh no! his ships have her surrounded!

Applejack: I reckon, Pipsqueak and Luna are doomed to be prisoners

Twilight: *Narrowed eyes* you two are really getting into this aren't you???

Pinkie pie: What? its a great show! Although it looks like the end for the pirates :(

*back with the ships*

Discord: Surrender!

PirateQueenLuna: NEVER!

D: Than prepare to

*Out of nowhere one of Discord's ships is sunk by a fusillade of apple-fritter cannonballs*


*out of the fog emerges a 40-gun Royal ship. Standing on the Bow in full royal English admiral attire, petticoat blowing in the breeze is.*

Mane 6: ANDREW!!!!

Andrew: Belay that command Discordance PIGS! I Sir Andrew, Admiral of her majesties fleets am here to aid the noble Pirate Queen against your dastardly ambitions! IN the name of God, Princess, and Country stand down and surrender! Or prepare to be sent to Davy Jones locker!

*outside the simulator Twilight screams out*


*Inside Andrew pauses out of character and turns smiling*

Andrew: Hey it sounded like fun!

Discord: If i can interrupt? *Back in hammy 'admiral voice'* VILE EQUESTRIAN DOG! Noble Discordance will NEVER give in to such a backwards nation that doesn't even have any fine cheese!

Andrew: *Also back in Hammy admiral voice* Than let your fate be upon your heads! MR. Spike hoist the flags of war!

*as he turns to prepare for battle, Sweetie Belle's head pops up from behind the ships steering wheel

Sweetie Belle: *AHEM*



*Outside Rarity and Applejack fume at seeing their sisters dragged into this. even if they do seem to be having a ball. As for Rainbow Dash...*

Rainbow Dash: You know it ain't no Wonderbolts, but I got admit Scootaloo looks kind of awesome in that getup. Pass the popcorn Pinkie?

Pinkie Pie: oh sure!

Celestia: are those changelings as the generic crew?

*Chrysalis strolls up and sits down to watch*

Chrysalis: Well it was either this or the CMC were going to try to put on something called the 'CMC bill nye the science guy cutie mark ' scheme. I figured if they were in one of their destructive moods, best to have it AWAY from my hive.

Celestia: Quite... tea? *pouring chrysalis a cup and hovering it over which she takes

Chrysalis: thank you *Sip* Interesting taste. New blend?

C: Just got imported from Neighppon last week actually...

*Twilight stares bug eyed at the two, not noticing that the Mane 6 has become the Mane 5 as one of them has snuck off as well.*

Twilight: Has everypony gone CRAZY!!!

Applejack: Ah heck Twi', it seems harmless enough. just sit back and enjoy the show.

Rarity: indeed. these discordance ruffians don't stand a chance now that my sister is there to aid Pirate Queen Luna!

*The group watches as the battle turns again, Andrew S.S. CMC and Pirate Queen Luna's ship turning the table on the discordance fleet. While a fog bank moves in.*


AB: That's Port Scootaloo...

Sweetie belle: are you sure? I thought it was starboard...

Scootaloo: maybe the forecastle....

Andrew: ~_~;;; Mr. Spike Where is the unknown ship exactly?

Spike: RIGHT BESIDE US! *Gulp*

*Andrew turns in time to see a pink colored ship move into boarding range, and can only blink as a hoard of squirrels and one white rabbit swarm aboard and gang rush him*

A: Wha... mmmph....Mmmmph!

*within a moment Andrew is hogtied and gagged,than carried to the unknown ship... where the captain appears on deck, her yellow Pegasus wings stroking the bound Andrew as she looks on smugly.*

*back outside*

Twilight: WHAT!!! FLUTTERSHY????!!!

*back inside*

Fluttershy: Ah I hope its not to tight.. I mean! You are now the captive of the Dread Pirate Pink Tail! My prize of conquest, at the mercy of my every whim!

Andrew: o_O
*outside Celestia and Chrysalis calmly watch as a low whistling sound comes from a steadily reddening Twilight*

Chrysalis: 100 bits says she doesn't last 5 minutes

Celestia: I have faith in my student. You are on!

Twilight *Utterly focused on the show and missing the above betting*: WHAT ARE YOU DOING FLUTTERSHY??? The schedule clearly shows that this Weekend is MY alone snuggle time with Andrew!

*Inside Fluttershy breaks character and looks through the invisible wall to comment*

Fluttershy: Well yes... Old Fluttershy would follow the schedule.... But I'm the Pirate Pink Tail! And pirates don't follow rules and schedules! They TAKE what they want!

*Andrew finally undoes the gag as Pink Tail's ship disengages and flees into the fog*

A: Don't I get a say in this....

Fluttershy: Oh no Sir Andrew. you are my prisoner. Helpless to object or resist the Dread Pirates Pink Tails demands! and my demand is simple.... *Fluttershys' voice turns into a purr* You're....going... to... LOVE ME!...

Andrew: O_O;;;

*Celestia idly notes that the CMC and Pipsqueak look a bit confused and are complaining that they couldn't hear the dread Pirate Pink Tail's last comment*

Celestia: well at least Discord was honest about the age filters...

Chrysalis: yes but I do believe the real show is with your student...

*Twilight steams and suddenly blows her top*

Twilight: THAT'S IT! She's not getting away with this! Come on Girls!

*Twilight charges towards the barrier with Pinkie pie skipping along. Rainbow Dash shrugs and follows... but Rarity and Applejack*

Applejack: I reckon I should sit this on....woah!
R: Really Twilight it is unbecoming of lady to-aaiiee!
*Mid complaint both are surrounded by twilight's magic and telekineticly yanked through... the 5 of them appearing on a new vessel*

Twilight: We must save Sir Andrew! The Equestrian Trading Company has suffered enough at the hands of Pink Tail to let this latest offense stand!!

*the rest of the mane six look at their outfits*

Applejack: What in tarnation! I didn't sign on for any puffy ruffly shirt!

Rarity *Dressed in a fancy lady outfit*: Hmmm.. not bad, the corset is a bit much but otherwise a adequate ensemble for a cruise.

PP: Oh boy! Party cannon loaded and ready!

RD: Ah man! I wanted my own ship *Turns and spots a nearby discordance ship in between them and Andrews Ex ship* Hmmmm... I wonder....

*meanwhile outside*

Celestia: just ten more seconds Twilight.... you couldn't hold on...for 10 pony loving seconds?

Chrysalis: *Ahem* I do believe you owe me

Celestia: Yes yes, just let me run to the bank and make a withdrawal.

*Celestia grumbles some more as she trots off to the bank to get some bits to pay off her bet with Chrysalis ...20 minutes later she returns*

Celestia: Here....

Chrysalis: thank you, supporting a hive isn't easy you know....

Celestia:*glancing at a lot more ships moving around in random, several ponies digging up some islands, and a half dozen sword fights on others.* what I'd miss?

Chrysalis: Well Scootaloo defected from the Equestrian Empire ship to join Rainbow Dash when she took control of a Discordance ship and went off to look for treasures, than Diamond Tiara showed up as head of the Dia-quistador fleet with part of Miss Cheerilees class, although a few of the foals have joined the other factions as well. Including a couple captaining Discordance ships for some odd reason.

The Manticore showed up a few minute ago, just swimming around and making noises like a clock, Don't ask me Why.

For a while there was a Dia-quistador and Discordance alliance against the Equestrian empire and the Equestrian trading company. But than DIscord stabbed them in the back in order to plunder the Mayan golden cookies they were escorting after a consultation session with Voodoo shaman Zecora... so now its a bit of a free for all in there.

Celestia: Sounds confusing...

Chrysalis: oh no things didn't get confusing until the Black Mailman ambushed Pink Tail, and captain Derpybeard and first mate DItzy stole Andrew from her. Allegedly because he knew where the last Aztec Muffin was that they needed to lift the curse on them. leading to a semi-alliance now between Pink Tail and the ETC as they pursue.

Celestia: Whats with the blue phone booth on board the Black Mailman.

Chrysalis: beats me. I just know the doctor got yanked out of it and was put in ragged torn clothes, to serve as Derpybeards cabin boy.... Well after Pirate Queen Luna managed to rescue Andrew from the Black Mailman, unknown to the Equestrian Trading Company and Pink Tail.

Celestia: I see....

*as her interest drifts a small window pops up showing Pirate Queen Luna's ship, Pip cheerfully sailing along as Luna heads into ships cabin where Andrew lies. Celestia suddenly smirks and casts her voice suspiciously loud, while windows of Pink Tail and Twilight's ship pop open. The Two Ponies ears perking up at hearing her voice*

Celestia: Although I can not see WHY my dear sister needs to be in Human form to tend to Sir Andrew's injuries... especially since they seem to be just some strategically placed cuts and tears on his uniform. Or for that matter why her pirate uniform seems to have lost some decollage as well...

*Celestia looks incredibly pleased with herself as Luna, Pink Tail, and Twilight all screech in response. *

Pink Tail & Twilight: WHAT!!!
PQLuna: TIA!!!!!

*Twilight's and Pink Tail's ships suddenly violently change course to chase after Pirate Queen Luna's vessel. As Pipsqueak still unaware of events above PG rating happily tries to elude them. Chrysalis outside the field turns to Princess Celestia, idly noting that most of Ponyville is either watching various swashbuckling adventures, or entering the simulation zone to participate directly by this point. Chrysalis shakes her head at the impromptu festival the event has turned into before addressing Celestia *

Chrysalis: You know that was quite Evil of you princess. I didn't think you had it in you

Celestia: Well I AM her big Sister, its part of my familial duties and all. Now I do believe I see the Cakes bringing a assortment of goodies for the watchers. Shall we sample there fare while discussing what other interesting twists we might add to the show?

Chrysalis: You know i think I like this streak your showing, yes lets...

phew... you know this started out as a con omake where Discord ran a booth turning ponies into their costumes, and idea after idea just clicked and morphed into this .

As to the simulator... its a couple of acres of land. surrounded by a semi-translucent field. Enter the field and your cast in a role appropriate to the scenario, if your in costume or thinking about a specific role you have a good chance of being cast into it. But there is a bit of randomness so its not guaranteed (ex: RD entered thinking of herself as a captain of her own ship, but ended up a crewmate of Twilight's instead... not that she didn't remedy that shortly).

Those outside the simulator can get a overview of the action, or zoom in on specific events or ponies by thought. And have limited vocal interaction (mainly if discord thinks hearing what they are saying outside the simulator might provoke some amusing reactions).

Discord Fantasy Island is best omake :twilightangry2::rainbowlaugh::pinkiehappy::flutterrage::trollestia:

Andrew Joshua Talon
Group Admin

"Hmhmhm... What brings you to the Simulator today, Fluttershy my friend?" Discord asked with a smile. The pegasus mumbled something, and kicked at the dirt with her hoof.

"I guess... Well... I was wondering... Wondering if... Well, it involves Andrew."

The Master of Chaos raised a bushy eyebrow. "Oh?"

Fluttershy nodded. Discord chuckled.

"Ah... Want to see your future children, perhaps? Maybe some gymnastics you two will engage in-"

"D-Discord!" Fluttershy squeaked with red cheeks. Discord laughed and patted Fluttershy on the back.

"Now now Fluttershy, I only tease! Come now, what's on your mind?"

Fluttershy took a deep breath. "I... I want to know what would have happened to Andrew if he... If he hadn't come to Equestria," she decided. "He has said he's not interested, but I... Well..."

Discord nodded, a soft smile on his face.

"Well then..." Discord held up a globe of the Earth which floated just above his finger. He then spun it, and tossed the sphere into the nearby magic window. "Let's give this a whirl, shall we?"

- - - - -

Earth, December 22nd 2012

"Come on Andrew! This is going to be great!" Miguel laughed as he patted Andrew's shoulder. They were in the city park where several other young people were meeting. There were old hippies, a few people in their Sunday best with Bibles, and a couple of shitty musicians. The night sky of Denver was bathed in the light pollution of the city, but stars and the moon could still be seen. Andrew sighed and shook his head.

"I don't see why I let you drag me to this kind of stuff," he said. "I'm an archaeologist, I've told you over and over-!"

"That the Mayan end of the world stuff is bullshit, I know," Miguel laughed. "So? Do you really need an excuse to party?"

"I guess not," Andrew admitted.

"Now come on! I've got this great girl you need to meet! Just moved here from China, exchange student!" Miguel led Andrew over to a cluster of Chinese girls, who were giggling over the feed from Youtube on a laptop. One looked up with a bright smile.

"Miguel! I am happy to see you!"

"Vicky, this is Andrew," Miguel said with a smile. "Andrew? Vicky Zheng."

Andrew's eyes widened, and he smiled as he reached out and kissed Vicky's hand. "Charmed," he said. Vicky giggled as Miguel shook his head.

"Smooth," the older man muttered to Andrew.

"Andrew, tell me about yourself," Vicky said, taking the archaeologist's arm. Surprised but pleased, Andrew went along with her towards a fountain. Miguel watched in some shock, and then chuckled.

"Guess so..."

He enjoyed the festive atmosphere for a while, as Vicky and Andrew just talked by the fountain. He found her broken English adorable but was able to get the gist, and she laughed as his poor attempts at speaking Mandarin.

The other Chinese girls gasped as something on YouTube changed. Miguel blinked and looked over their shoulders. His eyes widened.


They gathered around the laptop, as others did the same. On a late night talk show, a human being had been talking to his guest, before a man burst into the studio. Wielding a shotgun, the assailant opened fire on the guest. Blood burst from his chest and he slumped... But the true horror came next. His body transformed, light shining from his limbs. Skin gave way to hard carapace, hands to jagged hooves, normal human teeth to razor sharp fangs.

Confusion and gasps and cries of it being fake filled the air... Until Andrew looked overhead with wide eyes.

"Guys... Look," he whispered. They all did, and above them streaked falling stars. Hundreds of them.

- - - - -

Andrew's home was near the reservoir in the suburbs surrounding Denver. Reports of Changeling strikes across the world, desperate struggles came daily. Communications became difficult to maintain as more satellites were shot down, but radio was still able to get through. The Cockroaches didn't jam civilian frequencies, so every detail of their invasion was broadcast. As though they wanted everyone to know they were doomed.

Vicky couldn't return to China to be with her family, and her funds were taken by her government for the war effort. So Andrew invited her to stay with him. She agreed bashfully, on the condition that to please her parents he married her. He agreed, and his family welcomed her like a new daughter.

Andrew's medical condition prevented him from enlisting in the military, but he was knowledgeable enough about science and technology that he became his father's aide when he was called to work on the Archangel Project. They kept moving, their entire family. Rigorous testing was applied to them, trying to find a way to detect Changelings and keep them from finding out about humanity's last hope. Vicky was originally suspected, but Andrew balked at the idea of his wife being an alien infiltrator. His father was so essential to the war effort, they got away with only basic tests. And since all her assets had been purged by her government, Vicky was essentially a blank slate. But so many other Chinese nationals were in the same situation that little mind was paid.

He would come to their quarters every day, exhausted. She would rub his shoulders, they would cook and eat dinner together, and they would make love. Afterwards, they would talk about the day's events. Andrew had been forbidden from speaking about Archangel, had sworn day in and day out that he wouldn't say a word to his wife... But details came out, little by little...

The day of Enterprise's launch, Andrew was desperately working on getting the last of the munitions back in. He wasn't technical enough to help with the launch, so he aided with brute strength, wheeling bombs and supplies onto the ship with the rest of the workers. He spied Vicky walking slowly from the nearby shelter, and his eyes widened.

"No Vicky! No!" He shouted. He ran up to her, abandoning his post. He rushed up to his wife and shook her shoulders. "No! Get back in the shelter, you need to get out of here! They're going to launch-The Cockroaches know-!"

Vicky smiled a sad smile, and her eyes flashed green.

"I know," she said quietly, as Changeling missiles slammed into the Enterprise from above. "I called them here."

- - - - -

Andrew awoke some time later, groggy. He tasted something vile and coughed, but the liquid flooded his lungs. He could breath it, but it made him want to retch. He looked around, eyes widening in horror.

He was in a Changeling pod... And through the green glass, he saw "Vicky".

"Nei hao, airen~," she purred. She walked up to the pod as Andrew bashed on the transparent shell furiously. He screamed at her, curses and words becoming nothing more than bubbles.

"Oh yes... I know you're angry," "Vicky" said. "Think it was all a fraud? Well... It wasn't. There is a Vicky, Andrew Shepherd. And without you two... Without your love... We would never have accomplished this." She smiled unpleasantly.

"Do not worry... You will be spared," she said. "After all... We should be thanking you. The architects of our victory. In the end, Andrew... We do not need to kill to win. For love is our strength..." The horrible visage of Queen Chrysalis emerged, her wings spreading as she laughed.

"And your undoing!"

- - - - -

Fluttershy shuddered, and closed her eyes. The sound ceased, and she felt Discord's paw on her shoulder once more.

"I... I'm fine," she murmured.

"Why?" Discord asked. "If you don't mind me asking?"

Fluttershy sighed. "I... I have seen him look at the stars so sadly. He misses his home, his people so much... But he can't let himself see what might have been. He thinks it would hurt too much..."

Discord nodded slowly. "And he was right?"

Fluttershy sighed. "Maybe... This is just a possibility, right?"

"Of course," Discord said with a wry chuckle. "But then... Aren't they all? He might have just as easily fallen in love with a nice girl, had a big family, and never been bothered at all by the Changelings. A happy ending."

The pink haired pegasus sighed. "I guess... I guess I hoped for that... But..."

"But?" Discord prompted.

"Part of me is... Is happy his ending there was bad," Fluttershy confessed. "Because it means... It means we can be happy here..." She sniffled. "And I feel so terrible about feeling that way!"

Discord said nothing. He just stroked Fluttershy's mane as she softly cried.

You'd better be worth her heartache, kid, he thought to the human.

- - - - -

Well since it seems that this thread needs more oomph to get attention from you fans here's more.

1) Luna's adventure:

Discord's innovation could be used to allow one to have a grand adventure.

Or perhaps...

For a moment, it allows one redo a past choice, to ease a past regret:

Luna: Discord. Have you seen our sis-

Discord: Shh.

Luna: What? Why did you...?

Discord: Celestia is in the simulation. She relieving an old memory. To redo a choice.

Luna: What? *Looks in.* Oh...

Based on this:
Celestia: *whispers* What happens... if I had made a different choice back then?

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