I Hate Equestria Daily 642 members · 641 stories
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I've been angry with EqD for a long time.

See, I followed it at the very beginning, when it was still a small blog run only by Sethisto and a few of his friends, and it was the only real place to post pony fanfiction and art. Pre fimfiction, pre ponychan, pre everything. I wanted to be part of the fun, so I cranked out my first fanfiction, well, ever. It was supposed to be a lighthearted rib on all of the terrible HiEs that were being posted. The plotline was simple: human winds up in Equestria, Princess Luna decides it would make the perfect pet for her, hilarity ensues.

This was back when we were still wondering if there would even be a season 2, so all I had to work off of were episodes 1 and 2, but I still think it was ok. Not great, but not terrible either, since I made sure to triple-check the grammar and run it by a friend first. By some miracle, it was featured. I was so happy. I'd made some changes to the story that the pre-reader had suggested, and, well...

The comments. Dear God the comments. I received so much hate from so many commenters. EqD has undergone some format changes, so all of the comments have been deleted, thankfully, but the bits and pieces I remember still haunt me. I got death threats. One person insisted my story should be burned and I along with it. Another said it was worse than My Immortal.

It made me never want to write again. It made me never want to put something on the internet again. It made me even more afraid of other people than I already was. To be attacked with such vitriol, not just me but my writing, something other people always told me I was fairly good at, it made me want to stop. To not express myself in any form, because it would only hurt more.

That's not all EqD's fault, that's a problem I had long before, but this certainly didn't help. And to think, these are the people who insist on love and tolerance. I wasn't loved or tolerated.

It... still hurts. It will probably always hurt. And there's nothing I can do about it.


And to think, these are the people who insist on love and tolerance. I wasn't loved or tolerated.

love and tolerance

In light of this statement, I'm glad you stopped writing.


Well, it's a shame to hear that. I would have been interested in seeing your work.


I wasn't loved or tolerated.


Yes I see that, and?


The use of that phrase in 2014 should be considered a crime against humanity.


Why would it be considered a crime against humanity?

3362047 because it encourages ignorance, hugboxing, and autism in the third degree
I won't tolerate that on my earth


3362059 oh bby your earth seems like a wonderful place



3362073 Now you're getting it!
And I was afraid I'd have to gas you along with the rest of the mentally challenged.


Wait, we're talking the same Hugboxing that involves coddling insignificant, evil vermin that crave 'sketti', right? Not some weird new fetish?

3362080 I'll get back to you on that

Be sure that you do.

Author Interviewer

Three weeks ago? Stupid Fimfic...

I'm actually sorry OP had to go through that. Not to make light of their plight, but for once an IHED thread recognizes the true scourge of EQD: the awful, awful commenters.

I'm sorry; I know it's fallen out of use recently, but back when this happened it was all anyone would talk about.

3362006 I said they made me want to stop writing. I never said I actually did. I do have one chapter of one story of my own up, but I mostly grammar and spellcheck other people's stuff.

3362076 That is the most evil statement I've seen on this website yet. Congratulations, you win the prize.

Please don't be hateful to the mentally challenged. They have enough problems as it is without people like you piling it on.

>inb4 by "mentally challenged" he means the kinds of stupid idiots who take horsewords so seriously that they make death threats to other people, etc...
>inb4 context, yo.

>using autism as an insult

I've personally met neo-nazis with more class than you.

3362647 >>>/tumblr/

3362497 Success! I was designed to win prizes!


has more class than

Also Regidar pls how are you so sexy ='(


Good to see others who share my beliefs. We should round up the vermin and those damnable hugboxers and put them in camps.

>automatically a white knight for not finding autism jokes funny
aren't i just the worst kind of person

>being a white knight AND (literally) greentexting on FIMFiction

Keep digging.

"b-b-b-but if I make it blue it's different!!!"

>not redtexting

okay can we stop threadshitting now

3362708 re open the death camps!


Heil der Menschheit!

Here is the truth: Love and tolerance is what we should follow.
It doesn't matter how tired a phrase these two words put together may be, they represent exactly what society needs in order to be far happier.

The problem is that a lot of people simply don't want to notice the good in the world. Instead, they focus attention on all of the hatred, violence, blasphemies, and hardships, using them as an excuse for not being noble or Christlike.

In essence, they are saying that the world is so awful, so miserable, that any amount of good, no matter how big, is pointless. in their eyes, asking for sympathy or compassion is either whining or wanting a "hugbox", and anyone who responds kindly in turn is promoting an 'autistic' cry for attention. I however, call the belief that no good should be done in the world absolute BS.

I know a lot of the comments before mine are half joking, and I get it. Laughter is an absolutely essential part of surviving, and to not tastefully give humorous tinges towards hardships now and again can make life even more difficult to endure. However, I see no reason to be rude towards the original author from any of their statements.

I have compassion towards you and your situation, Mossy Mare. I know how difficult it can be to deal with people sending threats, saying mean things, etc.

My advice: Don't stop writing! Forgive those who have mistreated you, and remember that everyone, including them, will face a final judgement. Those who fail to get their acts together will not be rewarded with happiness or peace in the life to come. Hopefully they will turn a new leaf before it is too late.

Thanks, obake. To be honest, I wasn't expecting the joking, derisive tone this thread took, and I'm glad you posted your views. Always nice to see a fellow Christian(?) in the ponyverse.

This is a snapshot of my opinions circa three years ago, based on an event that happened three years ago, and I have mostly moved on from it. When I saw that this group is a thing, I thought that, somehow, recounting my experiences would help, either to warn people of the more negative aspects of EqD or to provide some sort of solidarity to others who have been through the same thing.

Yeah, digging up old hurts was probably a bad idea. I think I'm just gonna put all this behind me and continue as if this didn't happen.

As for all you yahoos who like to poke fun at the defenseless, (looking at you, Regidar) remember that even Pinkie Pie, element of laughter drew a line of decency.

Thank you for your response. I'm glad my words were able to bring some comfort.

To verify, I am Christian (a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, specifically)

Have a good day, and God bless!

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