Communist Party of Equestria 137 members · 30 stories
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Let us paint Equestria red! No longer will the working-class pony be subjected to love and tolerance, but to fair work and equality! Rise, my brothers, and let us raise the sickle and star above Canterlot! The pony Lenin commands it! :eeyup:

381426 wait! Are we truly ready for such an undertaking? Once we make ourselves known, the Princesses will act swiftly to destroy us! There will be only a single chance for revolution, we must make absolutely SURE that we can achieve victory before we begin.

381440 After much deliberation, I must agree, comrade Derpin. We must sow the seeds of rebellion through the fertile fields of Equestria, turning every stallion, mare and colt to our cause. The tyranny inflicted on the working class by Blueblood and his ilk shall not go unpunished! The workers shall rise, and we shall not compromise!

(Damn, I'm scaring myself with this. :eeyup: )

381445 What of the Elements? They pose a grave threat to us. While I feel that they would, indeed, make a powerful asset; at the same time, attempting to convert any of them could lead to our downfall. Especially with the Element of Magic so close to Celestia's ear. Shall I plan for their assassinations? Or shall I plan to turn some if not all of them?

381447 The Element of Loyalty shall be the most difficult to defeat, though we may be able to turn the Element of Honesty. Too long have her family been suppressed by the treacherous government, her apples giving them little sustenance thanks to the introduction of produce tax. Once the elements are divided, we shall become stronger. The apple farm would also be an excellent source of sustenance for our growing movement, and it would provide us with a place to operate from. We must act carefully Comrade, Celestia has eyes and ears all over Equestria thanks to the recent Changeling invasion.

Do you hear the ponies sing
singing the song of angry mares
it is a music of the ponies
who will not be slaves again
when the beating of your heart
echoes the beating of the hooves
There's a light about to start
when tomorrow comes

I've managed to reqruit a trio of young pamphlet-makers to our cause, :scootangel::applecry::unsuresweetie: Ive read examples of their writing, and it is truly incendiary.:rainbowdetermined2: I recommend they work under a pseudonym at the moment to protect their identity, tough...

381504 Well done, their adorablity makes them irresistible.

381454 What of Laughter? It pains me to admit this, but I have grown quite fond of her shenanigans. If she joins, not even physics itself can defeat us!

381504 I agree Comrade. Cutie Mark Crusader Communists is slightly too obvious. However, the assimilation of the Apple girl will do us good toward swaying the Element of Honesty. Once we have Sweet Apple Acres under our influence, we will be able to expand our operations.

381513 Of Laughter, we shall attempt to sway her too. Her 'Pinkie Sense' will be useful in case the Equestrian Secret Police catch onto our activities.

Group Admin

Marx's beard this is glorious. Didn't expect to get this many members. :pinkiegasp:

386612 The need for equine communism is strong, comrade.

Come my comrades. Tis not too late to create a better world for Equesrtia.

Most of The Element of Harmony are young and silly, it will not be too difficult to get them by our side... The only one to be dangerous is the Honesty, but we can take care of her...

766949 Indeed the Element of Harmony are young and silly even then we should not underastemate them plus if we show The Honesty, and if we manage to show her the ways of communistim and get her to our side we can rest as the others might also follow and soon we will have the elements on our side and show the people the true way of communism and how it can help the people! Long Live Communism!

774072 But what if we fail ? It made me out of myself to think about what will happens to all of these innocents who follow us if the Princess learns about it... As a Marxist, I'm ready to die for save their liberty but, to say the truth, I was hoping to live long enough to see the revolution. So, if it's necessary, I will NOT have any pity for the Element of Harmony...

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