Communist Party of Equestria 137 members · 30 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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Hahaha! Oh god, what the Ебать! I'm insulted yet broken with laughter at the same time, you my friend, are a sick, hilarious Ублюдок!

658209 Was the russian right? I used google translate.

I cannot be certain as I can hardly see the writing as the zoom on my phone is broken.

658412 Oh, wait, how did you post russian script if your on a phone? How about Rainbow dash next?

Oh and if you could please start using the reply button. It makes it easier to respond.

I have Russian text for my phones keyboard.
Yeah, RD would be a good one.

660296 You can get that? Where?

Sorry, I'll do her next, I already started Pinkie Pie.

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 8