When Princess Celestia had no student to thwart Nightmare Moon’s return, the Nightmare rose to power again. Centuries later, a relic of her reign remains, if ponies might learn from it.
Daring Do had of course heard of the Curse of the Sphinx, but if her adventures had taught her one thing, curses do not exist. She might change her mind.
Rarity never thought she'd be asked to reprise her role as Princess Platinum, especially not this way, and especially not involving her sister as well. But she understands the importance. Even if it might mean she can't be Rarity ever again.
Adagio Dazzle has a penchant for showing up at the wrong time in places special to Sunset Shimmer. School, the PostCrush concert, and now her favorite music cafe. Adagio doesn’t seem to be causing any trouble yet, but sirens only sing for one reason.
Sunset Shimmer must have felt nervous about meeting Princess Celestia again. She couldn’t even be mad at Celestia anymore, even though by all rights she should. If she could just be loved, maybe that would prove enough.
Long ago, Princess Celestia took on an important responsibility from Pinkie: to keep their world going. She’d seen the toll it took on Pinkie Pie, but she couldn’t allow anyone else to bear it. If only a higher authority could assume the burden.
Derpy always considered herself an unusual pony, but then so did everypony else. They just don’t know why: she talks to ghosts. As would befit an unusual pony, she encounters a most unusual ghost. Of course she’d want to make it her friend.
The assignment Miss Cheerilee gave the class should have been simple. But it got Sweetie Belle thinking about her Hearth’s Warming present for Rarity. It’s complicated. Maybe Twilight can help.
Years ago, Octavia still loved music. Years ago, Luna thought she might yet do some good from her prison. Years ago, Vinyl Scratch found herself in an interminable dream. One night could set them all free.
Princess Platinum relishes her duty of raising the moon, but in all the centuries of her predecessors, it had never spoken to them. And now Luna wants to take that from her.
A quaint old well, a shiny coin, the first star of the evening: all harbingers of good luck and happy wishes. But lately, several ponies can’t even remember making wishes. They certainly wouldn’t have wished for this.
Derpy is that one relentlessly happy person who never lets anything get her down. That’s one of the things Sunset most loves her for. But lately, Derpy doesn’t look happy.
Roam-springa: a period of self-reflection. At least that’s what Mom calls it. Who has time for that? Especially when Limestone is the one in charge. She doesn’t need a stupid waste of a couple weeks to know where she belongs.
Has Sunset actually changed? She’s nice enough around her friends, and one of them has become something wonderfully more. But what does her girlfriend see in her?
In the community around the rock farm, it is tradition, upon coming of age, to venture out into the world and see if it holds more interest than home. Cloudy Quartz’s journey took longer than most.
Long ago, a batpony made a promise to stand by his princess faithfully. It was the only mission he failed to complete. He can never make that up to her, but maybe he can ensure that she has a friend awaiting her return.
The griffons demand the return of hunting grounds they owned long ago. But since Princess Luna’s return, Equestria has only grown more formidable. In a small village of the disputed region, Lucky Strike finds herself caught up in a war not her own.