After falling foul of Twilight's machinations in their last encounter, Spoiled Rich concocts what some may regard as a drastic plan to set things right. Dare you read on? I think you do.
There is only one game left. One game to remain undefeated, to be remembered as a chess legend in Canterlot High School. However, my opponent is Twilight Sparkle.
A week after she moves in, a guilty Twilight tells Starlight there are no funds in the bank so she'll have to pay rent... or she's out. What does the newly-reformed unicorn do? Start her own delivery service across time and space itself. As you do.
After being released from Broadhoof Memorial Psychiatric Hospital, Twilight Sparkle attempts to rebuild her life and friendships in Canterlot, but finds that regaining the trust of those she hurt might be harder than she initially imagined….
A downtrodden and isolated Princess Twilight celebrates her 1000th birthday without friends. Obsessed over glory days long past, she receives a mysterious gift that just might help her.
Twilight, on her new wings, couldn't find her way around Cloudsdale. It may have left more of mark on her than she wants to admit. Written for Jinglemas 2023.