In "My Little Dashie," Dashie's adoptive father 'gets lucky' at a casino, and buys a secluded house out in the country. Dashie has no other friends, and mows the lawn for pocket money. But what if Rainbow had told her daddy that his plan SUCKED?
J.H. Wilkins is a prominent Cleveland businessman in 1850. He takes a trip on the canal boat Sylph to Akron. However, it turns out to be more than he bargained for when he catches the eye of the boat's captain... a lady pony!
Silver Sparks - Wizard. Lost things found, broken things fixed. Various other spells, just ask! No love potions or turning lead into gold. Yes, I do birthday parties!
Sam Winston is a small-town K-9 patrolman faced with some unexplained, and potentially lethal, events. Fortunately, he has backup... a very unusual kind of backup...
Ford Mustangs are made to be driven. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania is filled with scenic covered bridges. And little ponies love Mustangs and quaint, picturesque landscapes both. Cruising through the beautiful scenery of Amish country is a given.