G5 Shipping 💘 193 members · 314 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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Group Admin

Ha! I was right about the H&HD.

But it was.. a bit less than what I expected :twilightsheepish:

(Don't mind me, it's just my shipping side speaking here)

Anyway, for those who have seen the episode, what do you think?

Notable things to mention:

  • Izzy ships Zipp and Rocky Riff,
  • Mane 5 besides Hitch (briefly showing up for one second,) Zipp and Izzy is gone. Wonder why :trixieshiftright: ...
  • The whole population of Maretime Bay seems to be single.

With that being said, I expect some fics to soon come up with an explanation of what the rest of the cast was doing in the meantime!

That was quite a disappointing Valentine's Day special, to be honest.

Group Admin

It is what it is. But maybe Make Your Mark will have something more to offer in exchange? :rainbowhuh:

Well, we shall see.

If Make Your Mark would have something for Valentines Day, they would have announced it by now.

I watched this and I didn’t really like it I prefer the original friendship is magic but since that is not running anymore I guess we will have to make do with what we have.

Love the shipbait thumbnail

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