G5 Shipping 💘 195 members · 315 stories
Comments ( 21 )
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Group Admin

Heard a couple of things about it, which I can't confirm or deny. But if this indeed will turn out to be true, what do you think this special will be about?

Additionally, some people mentioned that this special will be... pretty interesting, for lack of better words. The fact that there is this tiny chance that Mane 5's chemistry may change also leaves a lot to the imagination. ;)

wait, we're getting a valentine's special? Well, in that case, I hope for some Hitch and Pipp stuff

Group Admin

Ditto :)

Like a tyt special? I feel like if anything was coming out Feb we would have gotten a trailer. Also I kinda doubt it, while I'd like some romance stuff, I realllly don't see them confirming any ships, esp when they're in the middle of the opaline arc

I didn't even k lnow that was a thing that was coming.

Maybe we'll see sprout in it, and conflict is that Izzy likes him, but he's still struggling to accept the others

Group Admin

Would've been totally on the same page if it wasn't for that whole chemistry-changing thing that someone mentioned on Discord. Although, yeah I agree. Could've been also someone exaggerating. Though, they've leaked G5 stuff before and definitely have inside info.

And I think this is MYM special. Either way, I'm just very interested in what this special will be about!

Edit: I managed to find this comment, but couldn't find about the chemistry thing.

Group Admin

Ngl, I'd like to see more of Sprout. Especially his redemption arc of some kind.
They didn't explain that really well if even at all, imo.

Yeah. Agreed.

He's my favorite character after Izzy and pipp

So its just "source: trust me" or do they have actual cred?

Group Admin

No, they are actually considered legitimate since they leaked stuff before.

Well I can buy the release date but I dont really buy the rest. If ya can find the screenshots that'd be neat

This valentine's day special might be the day I get some more Starblazer content

That'd honestly be pretty eh. I doubt they'd do romance with the protag, esp this early on.

There's an upcoming valentines day special? This is the first time I hear about it.

A "leak" quote unquote, nothing really confirmed

Either way, if we do get a Valentine's Day special, or whatever they're gonna call it in universe and I don't see at least one ship becoming Canon, I'm gonna be very upset.

Imo I don't see any m5xm5 ship being Canon yet. I could very much see dahlia x Hitch for now as a temp romance (like how big Mac romances go)

It doesn't have to be M5xM5. Could be a background ship like RockyxJazz. Though I think if they would actually tease a pairing, it would be Alphahaven.

Well, assuming that this is the next thing to come out of G5, let's hope it's better than the two specials we had last year. Both of them were pretty weak.

Apparently from the "leaker" its a tyt special?

7792881 Could be that why we haven't had any TyT episodes for two weeks now, and why TyT is apparently heading to Netflix? Seems kind of odd that they'd choose now of all times to make TyT seem more important, as far as I know they haven't changed the format or improved upon the animation.

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