It seems that ships featuring Sunny, Izzy, Hitch, and Pipp are widespread, but about poor Zipp? Who would you pair her with? It seems like she doesn't get much attention in the "shipping" department. And I don't get why. Zipp is sad Source
7608145 I knowww!! Why does she get no love on that part!? I ship Zipp with Hitch quite a lot actually! I really liked their chemistry and the fact that both were willing to jump into action just as quickly as the other shows promise for Zitch don't it? I can't really see the other ships with Zip aside from maybe Zipzy (Zipp X Izzy). The fact that Zipp kept calling him Sheriff was awesome in my books! She was the only one to keep saying it, and not as a tease either! I may ship MoonScout or StarBlazer a little more than Zitch, but it's still one of my favorites out of the G5 ships we got! Zipp being my favorite and all. (It could also be ‘,cause Zitch reminds me of AppleDash to some degree, and that I'm more drawn to Birds of a Feather ships)
7608160 Ooooh!! Now that's what I like to hear! Though we didn't see much of anything from Hitch's part, buuuuut... we'll probably get some more shipping fuel in the upcoming G5 Show band such. We just gotta be patient that's it!
Hitch would make the most sense. Sunny and Hitch have more of a brother/sister dynamic. I don't think him and Izzy would be compatible. He may think Pipp is hot but they wouldn't be compatible either.
Though we didn't see much of anything from Hitch's part,
Well, take into account that Hitch is kind of dense at times, so he'd likely miss it. And that then allows the writer to take advantage of the brother/sister dynamic that he has with Sunny to help him out.
It's one way to do it.
7608173 So long as the writers don't choke, it should be pretty interesting.
Well that sucks. Hopefully you'll be able to get unstuck on those. I'll probably do primarily G4 until the special comes out and the season begins, then I'll probably go to doing more G5.
It seems that ships featuring Sunny, Izzy, Hitch, and Pipp are widespread, but about poor Zipp? Who would you pair her with? It seems like she doesn't get much attention in the "shipping" department. And I don't get why.

Zipp is sad
7608145 I ship Zipp with Hitch.
I knowww!! Why does she get no love on that part!?
I ship Zipp with Hitch quite a lot actually! I really liked their chemistry and the fact that both were willing to jump into action just as quickly as the other shows promise for Zitch don't it? I can't really see the other ships with Zip aside from maybe Zipzy (Zipp X Izzy). The fact that Zipp kept calling him Sheriff was awesome in my books! She was the only one to keep saying it, and not as a tease either!
I may ship MoonScout or StarBlazer a little more than Zitch, but it's still one of my favorites out of the G5 ships we got!
Zipp being my favorite and all.
(It could also be ‘,cause Zitch reminds me of AppleDash to some degree, and that I'm more drawn to Birds of a Feather ships
Zipp and Hitch have a bit of a genuine spark between them, so that's my default for them.
7608153 7608155 And I see I'm not the only one that noticed how good Zipp and Hitch can be together.

Apparently so
I legit thought this ship wasn't liked at all! The more you know
Not only did they not hesitate when it came to trying to stop them mech, Zipp does tease Hitch a fair bit.
This often, though not always, indicates at least some level of interest.
Ooooh!! Now that's what I like to hear! Though we didn't see much of anything from Hitch's part, buuuuut... we'll probably get some more shipping fuel in the upcoming G5 Show band such. We just gotta be patient that's it!
7608156 I look forward to seeing how their relationship develops in the special/series next year.
Why not with Pipp? Princest is wincest!!
Hitch would make the most sense. Sunny and Hitch have more of a brother/sister dynamic. I don't think him and Izzy would be compatible. He may think Pipp is hot but they wouldn't be compatible either.
Some people do ship them.
Well, take into account that Hitch is kind of dense at times, so he'd likely miss it. And that then allows the writer to take advantage of the brother/sister dynamic that he has with Sunny to help him out.
It's one way to do it.
So long as the writers don't choke, it should be pretty interesting.
I don't think Izzy is very compatible with Hitch either. Her "sparkle" is a little more than he could handle.
We're already seeing that one quite often, with more on the way.
7608343 More often than not, Izzy is paired up with Sunny. In fact, that seems to be the most popular G5 ship so far.
Princess Molestia approves!!!
Her sparkle would be best with Sunny in my opinion, or maybe Pipp.
Sunny and Izzy have really good chemistry to be honest. So it works.
Sunny definitely, don't know about Pipp so much.
Pipp would be something for more of a comical thing....but I tend to think Izzy and Sunny were made for one another.
It sure come across that way.
And a hell of a lot of us seem to think the same when it comes to those two.
These things just work out sometimes.
I'm ok with sister/sister incest but I don't plan on shipping Pipp and Zipp.
I can't speak to doing anything with the next show, I'm too far behind on what I'm already working on.
I take it you have a lot of other stories you're working on right now? Well the first special isn't due to be aired until May so you do have time.
No, just three.
Due to my lack of practice, experience, and inspiration as well as other problems I'm freaking stuck, still.
It's a load of horse apples.
Well that sucks. Hopefully you'll be able to get unstuck on those. I'll probably do primarily G4 until the special comes out and the season begins, then I'll probably go to doing more G5.
I'm working on it.