Shipping started roughly 7-8 months ago.* The first ship to appear most prominent amongst fans was Sunny x Hitch.
Izzy became fans' favorite almost instantly after her big reveal in the first few seconds long clip.
Pipp is the least popular character out of Mane 5. (Let's change that!) *Information gathered from posts on reddit, discord and derpibooru.
It's been 1 987 200 seconds / 33 120 minutes / 552 hours / 23 days / 3 weeks and 2 days since the movie's release date (USA). The G5 animated series will have its premiere in Fall 2022.
*Based on the number of stories added to our group. (Also, I cleaned it up a little bit. And instead of folders that doubled the real number of stories, we have now a single folders for each ship.)
Interesting to know just how insanely popular IzzyScout is, it seems to be unprecedentedly well-liked for a ship. Usually there's more of a split opinion when it comes to shipping, there certainly was with many of the popular G4 ships... I guess all those teasing moments during the movie did their job here. Seriously, at times I was like, "get a room!"
I'm kind of split with my opinion on SunnyHitch. On the one hand hoof they've known each other for a long time and had a few cute shippable moments during the movie, but on the other...nothing screamed "ship!" quite like many of the moments Izzy and Sunny had, and two members of the opposite sex are capable of liking each other as friends, without it being romantically inclined...
To be clear: not dissing the ship, just making an observation. I try to respect what people ship even if I don't necessarily agree with it.
HitchPipp...I like this one, but I honestly need to see more of Pipp's character before I can form a decisive opinion. Yeah, they have some moments, but there's so little to go on in terms of scenes where the two interact. Even Zipp had more interaction with him.
All in all, G5 looks to have a bright future ahead of it. I'm excited to see how the upcoming specials and series add fuel to various shipping fires. >:3
Sunny x Izzy is beyond popular I've noticed. It was already popular before the movie's release but now it is easily the most popular G5 ship and give it time, it will surpass any and all G4 ships. Just the way those two are, it is ship central for them. Their chemistry is is like they were made for one be honest, their ship has surpassed all the G4 ships I like so much.
Now I always did like Starlight x Trixie and after a while I thought Twilight would be far better for Starlight. That was my # 1 ship for a while but now, it is Izzy x Sunny all the way.....IzzyStarscout, SunnyMoonbow? Whatever it is called, it is my fave and will likely remain the # 1 G5 ship for a long time to come. Unless they decide to pair Sunny with Hitch in one of the specials or the series, this ship will continue to dominate G5.
I do feel bad for Pipp being the least popular of the main five. I think she's cute.....Hitch is my least favorite but once he finally realizes how important everything is, he becomes a good character.....I won't be shipping him though.
Shipping Statistics*
*Based on the number of stories added to our group. (Also, I cleaned it up a little bit. And instead of folders that doubled the real number of stories, we have now a single folders for each ship.)
That's all for today! ^^
- ππππ ππΈπΈπ·π«πΈπ
Sunny X Hitch all the way through
Interesting to know just how insanely popular IzzyScout is, it seems to be unprecedentedly well-liked for a ship. Usually there's more of a split opinion when it comes to shipping, there certainly was with many of the popular G4 ships...
I guess all those teasing moments during the movie did their job here. Seriously, at times I was like, "get a room!"
I'm kind of split with my opinion on SunnyHitch. On the one
handhoof they've known each other for a long time and had a few cute shippable moments during the movie, but on the other...nothing screamed "ship!" quite like many of the moments Izzy and Sunny had, and two members of the opposite sex are capable of liking each other as friends, without it being romantically inclined...To be clear: not dissing the ship, just making an observation. I try to respect what people ship even if I don't necessarily agree with it.
HitchPipp...I like this one, but I honestly need to see more of Pipp's character before I can form a decisive opinion. Yeah, they have some moments, but there's so little to go on in terms of scenes where the two interact. Even Zipp had more interaction with him.
All in all, G5 looks to have a bright future ahead of it. I'm excited to see how the upcoming specials and series add fuel to various shipping fires. >:3
Sunny x Izzy is beyond popular I've noticed. It was already popular before the movie's release but now it is easily the most popular G5 ship and give it time, it will surpass any and all G4 ships. Just the way those two are, it is ship central for them. Their chemistry is is like they were made for one be honest, their ship has surpassed all the G4 ships I like so much.
Now I always did like Starlight x Trixie and after a while I thought Twilight would be far better for Starlight. That was my # 1 ship for a while but now, it is Izzy x Sunny all the way.....IzzyStarscout, SunnyMoonbow? Whatever it is called, it is my fave and will likely remain the # 1 G5 ship for a long time to come. Unless they decide to pair Sunny with Hitch in one of the specials or the series, this ship will continue to dominate G5.
I do feel bad for Pipp being the least popular of the main five. I think she's cute.....Hitch is my least favorite but once he finally realizes how important everything is, he becomes a good character.....I won't be shipping him though.