Tales of Shadows and Stars 24 members · 7 stories
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Angel Midnight
Group Admin

So, whilst I haven't posted anything major in this group just yet, I'm going to start adding different links to the most important threads here - notes on different historical events, different locations, and perhaps character profiles with some proper artwork. Keep an eye out for the new threads!

~ Angel

Character Profile: Empathy Morningstar
Character Profile: Moonlight
Character Profile: Wishbone
List of characters: The "Gods and Goddesses" of Equis

Arc 1
Arc 2
Arc 3
Arc 4
The History of Luna and the Bat Ponies

Crystal Empire
Everfree Forest
Everfree Village
Hollow Shades
Southern Caves

Shadows and Stars Official Timeline
Bat Pony Ears
Travelling Around The Multiverse
Equestrian Royal Guards

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