Equestria Ninja Girls Clan 97 members · 88 stories
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(Amethyst, if you think it's necessary, I'll delete this)

Okay, so during the Separation Arc, Raph's group will be going to Coral Harbor. That means they'll be meeting the Beast Morpher Power Rangers. They won't only be making new friends and enemies, but they'll be helping to stop Evox's plan to destroy not just the Beast Morphers Morphing Grid, but every single Morphing Grid.

First: Raph and company will arrive and discover that Avatar Blaze and Roxy created another Drillatron. While the group is able to hold their own, the Beast Morpher Rangers come to help.

Second: Avatar Blaze has created Zombitron: a monster whose light puts innocent people into a Zombie-like trance (and before anyone ask, yes it's based off of Conductro and Screech) while Avatar Roxy use a portal to travel to Time Force Headquarters and steal some equipment. Legacy Rangers: Mystic Force Yellow and Dino Charge Blue.

Third: During a bake sale at Grid Battleforce, Avatar Blaze and Roxy creates Baketron as a distraction so they can steal the location of the most Morph-X tower. At the same time, Scrozzle tries to reanimate an old monster, but reanimates Juggelo the Juggling Org, who steals the design for the device and flees. He is then rescued by Fluttershy. Legacy Rangers: Ninja Steel Pink and Jungle Fury Rhino. Introducing: Newest Wild Force Ranger.

Fourth: Blaze and Roxy creates Speedtron to distracts the heroes as they scout out a Morph-X tower that's right outside the city limits in a abandoned quarry, making teleportation impossible. Legacy Rangers: Samurai Green and Wild Force Lunar

Fifth: The groups attend the opening of the Coral Harbor Power Ranger Museum. While Blaze and Roxy plans to steal the Galaxy Warrior Championship belt in hopes of reviving Galvanax. Legacy Rangers: Time Force Red and Space Black. Returning: Niox and Korvaka

Sixth: Niox and Korvaka ambush a patrolling Aria and Cruise, damaging the Beast Bot. While protecting her Robotic Friend, Aria learns from the loose lips brothers Evox's plan. Legacy Ranger: Robo Knight

Finally: The heroes defend the Morph-X tower, knowing if they fail, every single Power Ranger universe, Past, Present, and Future, will pay the price.

Group Admin

A very good line up of chapter plots

And Evox's plan is to use a device to drain the entire Morphing Grid every single Power Ranger universe, destroying the Morphing Grid and the Power Rangers forever.

Group Admin

You’re pretty much giving away the whole plot to the viewers. Don’t do that. Just make a short teaser of what you typed.

Okay. On the bright side, we got a chapter map for this part of the Separation Arc.

Group Admin

Fine, but keep it private next time. I don’t want anyone to steal our ideas. Okay?


I love it. in fact I'm actually on Episode 12 of Power Rangers Beast Morphers.


You know what bothers me?


In the actual show, they didn't do a crossover with Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel. Instead they did a crossover with Power Rangers Dino Super Charge. Now don't get me wrong, I like Power Rangers Dino Super Charge but Power Rangers Ninja Steel and Super Ninja Steel came out after Power Rangers Dino Charge and Dino Super Charge and Power Rangers Beast Morphers came out after Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel.

Eh, would've been a bad idea reanimating Galvanax or Odius.


I just think they should do a crossover with Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel and it would have some amazing twist.

Wait a minute. Are you saying that if Galvanax was back to life he would boss Evox around?


would it made more sense if Power Rangers Beast Morphers team up with Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel?


Plus, both Ranger teams are from two different universe. The Ninja Steel Universe and The Best Morphers Universe.


Now let's talk about The Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, Power Rangers Dino Thunder and Power Rangers Dino Charge.

Hey, it was about time a Ranger met the first one.


You know what all three Ranger teams have in common?


Right. Not only that but most of them never remove their helmets but a few did.


I'm guessing that there are some people who aren't actually the same actors.


But there is one thing that like. is that they brought back Goldar and gave a extreme makeover.


Do you know Cyber Shredder from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Back to the sewers?


Okay. Here's a penny for thought. Cyber Shredder is stuck inside cyber space and he wants freedom. He found a gateway that leads to someone else's computer, only to find out that he's inside Scrozzle's computer which is in The Cyber Dimension. When Scrozzle returns to his workshop, he sees his computer has a "screen saver" and was furious to believe that Roxy might be the one to set up without his permission. But the "Screen Saver" talks to him and tells him that he is not a screen saver but Cyber Shredder. Scrozzle has no clue who he is, much to Cyber Shredder's fury. He somehow cause a system damage to the machine that was made to make Robo Blaze and Robo Roxy everytime they get destroyed. Scrozzle becomes scared of him, but before Shredder could threaten him, Evox, Robo Blaze and Robo Roxy arrives wondering what is going on. Scrozzle tells them that a man in armor inside the computer cause the machine to malfunction and points to his computer screen. Evox looks at it and sees Cyber Shredder looking more angry then ever. Evox demands to know who he is and Cyber Shredder tells him his name. Much like Scrozzle, Evox, Robo Blaze and Robo Roxy don't know who he is. Cyber Shredder decided to tell them his full story about his past like how he was made by The real Shredder to be use a failsafe in case someone tries to hack into his computer, how he was free from a virus name Viral (Yes, viral is in it but only the flashback.) and how he tries to get outa few times but fail because The Rainbooms and The Ninja Turtles were in the Internet to prevent him from leaving to the real world. After telling them his story the four of them seem both convince and intrigued by all this. Evox decided to make him a deal. The deal was that if he wants out, Cyber Shredder must merge with Evox to become twice as strong. Cyber Shredder accepts the deal because not only will he be out of Cyber Space, but he would merge with Evox forever. Evox orders Scrozzle to activate the fusion machine (the same machine that fuse Mayor McDaniels and Evox into one) which he does and Cyber Shredder gets to be out of Cyber Shredder and merges with Evox. When the merging was complete Evox's body was a little different, he had armor that looks like Cyber Shredder's armor only in yellow color instead of red color, he was somewhat taller and a bit more beefier, his skull-like face had a more snake like appearance and he had four shape blades, two on each of his hands and when he talks it sounded like Cyber Shredder and Evox are speaking in unison. Robo Blaze and Robo Roxy were both afraid and impress by the results, while Scrozzle ask his master if he is alright. His master replies that he is no longer Evox, but now goes by the of Evox Shredder.

What do you think? A great team up, right?


I thought it would fit since Cyber Shredder is an avatar just like Evox and I really wanted to have them team up together to take on The Rainbooms, The Ninja Turtles, The Power Rangers Beast Morphers and Their Allies.


Did you know that Power Rangers Beast Morphers was a sequel to Power Rangers RPM?


shocking, isn't it?

No. I suspected this would happened.


Should Power Rangers Beast Moprhers debut after Power Rangers RPM and before Power Rangers Samurai?


That is just bullshit. But on the other hand, they did have a good reasons. They needed to find perfect Actors and Actresses to fit the bill. Plus, Steel looks he came out of Beetleborgs.


I got to see Nate and Steels parents for the first time.


Well technically, Steel is adopted.

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