The half-dragon I would class as a pegacorn. Lightning speed I would not since he cannot gain both wings and horn simultaneously. Although I wouldn't quite know what to class him as. Bio-Bionic, I think would be a pseudo-pegacorn. An almost pegacorn, but not naturally one.
does Kirouac, my half dragon O.C. that has both a unicorn's horn, and feather covered wings count ?
what about (Lighting)Speed which can swipe between all 3 pony races ?
would Bio-Bionic even count
she does have a horn, but her wings are fake and robotic
The half-dragon I would class as a pegacorn.
Lightning speed I would not since he cannot gain both wings and horn simultaneously. Although I wouldn't quite know what to class him as.
Bio-Bionic, I think would be a pseudo-pegacorn. An almost pegacorn, but not naturally one.