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Let's get those creative juices flowing, boys and girls. Let's talk about our favorite ships from back in the day. Maybe discussing them will give some of us (hacking cough) just the right amount of spark to get the proverbial light bulb shining once again...

For me, it was the OG Three; Sparity, FlutterMac, and AppleDash.

Sparity was obvious and easy, especially since Spike was one of the few fully developed and fleshed out males in the series from the very beginning. The age difference was fun, too. You could go the innocent route, with Spike learning as he grows the various ins and outs of love. Or you could go the more sultry route, with Rarity as the older woman looking for some supple young dragon flesh. It was a ship of endless possibilities, and I'm still quite fond of it. Additional soft spot; they were in the first piece of MLP fanfic I ever published.

From the very beginning, Big Mac was paired with nearly every mare in Ponyville. TwiMac was quite popular in the early days (I remember a very vocal group of fans flipping out when Mac licked Twilight in 'the Return of Harmony Part 2') but from the moment I saw my first piece of fanart featuring the pair, I was all-in on the good ship FlutterMac. It just feels nice, the shyest mare in Ponyville with the least talkative stallion. The ship is sunk, of course, but I still reflect on those days when we'd look for the slightest interaction between the two with a smile on my face.

And, of course, AppleDash. So easy. So simple. So perfect. You know the ship's a winner when the VA herself supports it. Love it or hate it, AJ and Dash compliment each other wonderfully. Their competitive nature is fertile fodder for we writers, and some of my very favorite stories are nothing more than simple romantic drabbles featuring these two. While I can see the argument for RariJack, and I've been known to write some from time to time, I'll always throw my lot in with these two.

Besides... AppleDash has something RariJack doesn't.

It's canon.


So what ya'll got? Let's hear it.

Twixie, I don't know what it was about it. Yeah, StarTrix has more canon basis but there's something about Trixie and Twilight just bouncing off each other so well that fuels the fire. Their personalities do compliment each other at times fairly well, the arrogant show mare and the snarky but shy scholar/mage.

Twishy. Those two, of all the Mane 6 ships at the time, worked the best I feel. Outside of that one, Twiluna will always be a favorite of mine. Luna Eclipsed only made it better for me.

While I am new to the fandom and the show in general (October 2019 monkaS), I already have one ship that I really love that doesn't seem new, TwiLuna.

In the show itself, Twilight shows great care to Luna in her first Nightmare Night, and I feel like they work well. Luna, looking up to Twilight for all she accomplished and for freeing and saving her ; and Twilight looking up to Luna for the care she gives to ponies in the night, and for crafting such night every day.

And as a bonus (and I insist on the fact that it's not the reason why I ship them) ; Luna can finally love without an impending heartbreak due to the limitations of mortality ^-^


TwiLuna :yay: Aye. For the longest time, I didn't ship anyone - until 2019, when it clicked that Luna and Twilight works really well, with Luna's gratitude as the initial catalyst.

It helps that Luna Eclipsed brought me unto the show.

Does Sunny Daze and Peachy Pie count?

Cause if so I'd select those two.

Since I fell out of watching the show all of the way through and just stuck with fanfic, most of the ships I like count as old, I suppose.

Discord/Celestia, Sombra/Luna, Fluttershy/Big Mac, Twilight/Fluttershy, Sugar Belle/Night Glider, Rarity/Applejack, Applejack/Twilight, and it goes on and on...

Lucky Seven
Group Admin

My all-time favorite ship is still Octavia/Vinyl <3

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