The TF Cinematic Universe 30 members · 204 stories
Comments ( 23 )
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The Blue EM2
Group Admin

Anybody want to work on an overall timeline for the stories? I've had a few ideas.

Hold the phone, this whole place filled with TF stories actually have their own single timeline? I thought everyone had their own timeline to mess with??? :rainbowderp:

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

Some of the stories do, like the Jimmy stories (although as of The First Gala Transformation and its sequel the timelines split).

Huh, that's interesting. Did NOT know that.

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

Yes. I was thinking 5 Summer Nights would be the first.

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

Then some Jimmy stories, Mel Chase, the Starbust one, and then 6 Universal Nights.

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

Ah. Tangled's going to be put separately, in Phase 2.

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

Yes. But your point still stands.

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

No problem. Now I need to go and write my bits.

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