Serial Novel Society 34 members · 6 stories
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Group Admin

Serial novels are an amazing thing to read. They are fun. They are really cool. And some of the best literature in the world have been first released in this fashion. That is what I love to encourage, Literature. The Art of writing. Fan-fiction does not mean it isn’t great literature or art.

But, all of them follow a structure. Be it a weekly release, monthly, or special issue, the story still flows. All stories in here must meet those standards and a few more.

1: Regular chapter releases must be either:
I will consider bimonthly and quarterly releases.

2: Chapters must be at least 1,000 words. There is no official cap. However, the more often you release, the shorter your chapters will probably be.

3: There must by at minimum 10 Chapters. There is no maximum chapters allowed and stories without a planned ending are acceptable, so long as they are updated on their schedule.

4: The story must state that it is a serial novel with scheduled releases. It does not have to be finished. We welcome incomplete stories as long as they are active. Hiatus status can be applied if necessary.

5: E or T ratings are only allowed in regular folders. M Rated Stories must go into M categories. I will move any stories to folders as necessary. Tags not allowed: Non-consensual.

6: The story must have the society tagged in the description: This story is a Serial Novel Society story: Updates will be on state release schedule."

So together, let us make art! Pony style!

Does it matter what the ratings are? Unfortunately for my story, my starting arc was and is, (until this November), God awful. Because of this, I’ve 10 more dislikes than likes.

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