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Power of Six
Group Admin

Honestly, the worst horror movies I've ever saw were Jack Frost, a movie about a man who gets turned into a mutant snowman that goes on a killing spree, and Thankskilling, a movie about a murderous demonic turkey.
Both had the worst plots and worst acting along with a bunch of shitty kills. And they made it worst by making a Jack Frost sequel with horrible animation.:twilightangry2: Though they did a little better with the kills with this sequel.

Besides having that around, movie makers are still making the same crappy mistakes in making horror movies. My bud told me he saw the trailer for House Shark and said it wasn't worth shit. The only thing he liked about it was when that guy got killed on the toilet.

Though I don't really agree with him, he did thought of a cooler version of it with the shark swimming in the floors and walls Freddy Krueger style.

Needless to say, their were some other crappy horror movie trailers that really took the cake like Killer Sofa or whatever and Art of the Dead.

If anyone has any other crappy, nothing-but-trash horror movie they want to add to the list, I'm all ears.

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