7711450 I’m admittedly not a woman (although I have spoken to several in my life), but stuff like this comes across more patronizing than positive and encouraging. In particular:
If you don't believe this about yourself, I shall snuggle you into pure sugar! 💞
You’re not gonna fix someone’s self-esteem problems by insisting they’re special, and threatening (jokingly, I realize) to snuggle them. That, um, might violate personal boundaries.
(EDIT: Also, the word “infantilizing” comes to mind.)
I’m not trying to be a dick; I want to be constructive here. I get that your heart’s in the right place, and I know you like spreading positivity on different pages, but that approach doesn’t work in all groups, with all people.
No, I'm not a lovely pegasister, I just wanted to make a mark here on my quest for kindness.

I'm happy to see there are groups like this here, only makes sense given the subject of this kooky site. Could use more awesome pegasisters. 😊
Aaaand I'm just gonna drop this off here, don't mind me... 🤭

me reading this: 🥺
me thinking of the bronies: 👁️💧👄💧👁️
As a fellow brony I like this
What I do wrong here? What's with the dislikes?
7711450 I’m admittedly not a woman (although I have spoken to several in my life), but stuff like this comes across more patronizing than positive and encouraging. In particular:
You’re not gonna fix someone’s self-esteem problems by insisting they’re special, and threatening (jokingly, I realize) to snuggle them. That, um, might violate personal boundaries.
(EDIT: Also, the word “infantilizing” comes to mind.)
I’m not trying to be a dick; I want to be constructive here. I get that your heart’s in the right place, and I know you like spreading positivity on different pages, but that approach doesn’t work in all groups, with all people.
I figured it was something like that