Female Writers 86 members · 854 stories
Comments ( 3 )
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Crystal Aura
Group Admin

Hi Everypony!

How are y'all doing?

As you all might know, I am a fellow admin now in this group. And as an admin, I'm sort of a leader. Well, for a group to succeed in anything, the leader should take the opinions of the group mates & implement them, if necessary.

And this thread is exactly what we're going to do! I'll be making this thread monthly or so to know your opinions on the group. It can be anything to help promote the group & make this group feel more like home for us. If you have anything in mind, feel free to share in the comments below, or shoot me a PM. Hope you'll share your opinions!

Crystal Out! xxxx

Basically as I see it, if you're trying to get this group forum more active, you've got one big problem: in 2018, forums are just not a popular method of communication. I can see two solutions, and they're not mutually exclusive.

First, the easy option. If forums aren't where people wanna be, go where the people are. In this day and age, Discord is pretty much where it's at for group socializing. You could make a discord server for the members of this group to socialize. If you felt like really pushing the server, you could inform new members about it as they join. I'm a huge fan of Discord and have been involved in the start of a few servers (including my own), so I'd be happy to help with that and toss around ideas of the best way to handle the server and such if y'all feel like that's a good idea to do.

The second thing you could do is try to find ways to bring people to the forum. Groups with big forum activity tend to have thousands of members, which we just don't have. Doing things like contests or group story discussion could build interest. Contests are always great for that but they're hard to run and getting people interested involves having some good prizes for winners, which is easier said than done unless someone's willing to drop some cash. Group story discussion (think like a book club deal) might be easier, but it'll definitely be something that'll need some interest from members to work well. No matter what you do, if you want the forum to be active, you'll need active members that drive conversations (probably the mods, at least until a group culture starts to grow). Many people, myself included, are more responders; we'll jump into a conversation once it's going, but not start one.

Crystal Aura
Group Admin

Thank you for sharing your opinion! I'm glad that you want to help out. Your feedback will be looked into & will probably be put into action! :pinkiehappy:

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