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Group Admin

I'm looking for some admins to help contribute towards the group and run it in the new future if anyone's interested. I'm probably going to not appear as often as I usually do from 2019 onwards, because I want it to be the members' group, not my group if you get what I'm saying. I'll pop in and say hi, of course, but I think it'll be better if the members ran this rather than myself. It's not the fact that I don't care; it just feels wrong of me to be controlling this group by myself without any of your ideas going towards it all.

If anyone's interested, either leave a comment or PM me and I'll make you an admin. You can also change the layout, background art and group profile image; make it what you girls want it to be. If that's what you girls would like, then contact me anytime!

Lots of love,


Group Admin

Thank you for leaving your comment. I'm glad that the group has mad you welcome (there's no way I'm deleting it, though, because that's mad even for me). The competition idea sounds interesting and a great idea. I would be honoured to have you an admin. So if it's okay with you, I'll upgrade your member status to an admin (you can also edit the group's bio and design if you wish to).

Merry Christmas to you, too.

Crystal Aura
Group Admin

Hey Muffin!

Long time no see! How are you doing?

Well, I am interested in being the group's admin. This group is awesome, thanks to you, & I will try to make it awesomer still.

When is your American trip, by the by? Hope you have fun!

Happy Early Christmas & New Year!

Crystal Out! xxxx

Group Admin

Hello there! I'm doing great, thanks.

I'll make you an admin now and I'm glad you've enjoyed the group. I'll know you'll be fab at helping to run it.

My American trip is either 22nd or 24th December to 2nd January. I hope to enjoy it as I'm very excited. Happy Christmas + New Year to you too!

Stay awesome, hun!
- Muffin

Crystal Aura
Group Admin

I'm so jealous of you, right now, Muffin! Anyways, hope you'll have the greatest Christmas this year! Staying in hotel or you have a family relative there?


Group Admin

Staying in a hired home with family, yes. They live in another state.

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