One day in school (ugh, that sounds SO cliche), a girl came to the class and asked if anyone wanted to participate in a Chess Competition. A lot of people raised their hands (including me), and the girl told us at what time we had to go see our sports teachers and where. So, we went, there were girls from other classes, bla bla bla. Our teachers told us that it was gonna be an INTER-SCHOOL Chess Competition, and if anyone didn’t wanna participate, they could leave. No-one did. Ok. I wasn’t very sure of my chess skills, but no one else left, so...was I just supposed to leave? N-O! Our teachers needed to test us, see if we knew chess as well as we out to. So, they started asking questions. If you couldn’t answer them quickly and correctly, you could go back to class. The questions were quite easy, but my question was SUPER easy. They asked me how many points a Queen was worth. 9 points. Easy. (They asked random girls random questions, if you didn’t catch on to that yet.) From my class, only 2 girls and I were left. So, the same day/the next day, during our first break/recess, we went to the Sports Complex. Here, my classmates and I got seperated. I played with a girl, and we took the full amount of time for just 1 round, which I won. Out of my 2 other classmates, one of them got selected.
Today, we had to stay back after school for the elimination round. I won my first round, and lost the second. How I lost it was weird. Well, not weird, on. The game ended in.....................a draw. That means, I had my king, and my opponent had her king. So, we both lost, since no-one could possibly win now.
Not a story. Lemme tell ‘ya guys how it went.
One day in school (ugh, that sounds SO cliche), a girl came to the class and asked if anyone wanted to participate in a Chess Competition. A lot of people raised their hands (including me), and the girl told us at what time we had to go see our sports teachers and where. So, we went, there were girls from other classes, bla bla bla. Our teachers told us that it was gonna be an INTER-SCHOOL Chess Competition, and if anyone didn’t wanna participate, they could leave. No-one did. Ok. I wasn’t very sure of my chess skills, but no one else left, so...was I just supposed to leave? N-O! Our teachers needed to test us, see if we knew chess as well as we out to. So, they started asking questions. If you couldn’t answer them quickly and correctly, you could go back to class. The questions were quite easy, but my question was SUPER easy. They asked me how many points a Queen was worth. 9 points. Easy. (They asked random girls random questions, if you didn’t catch on to that yet.) From my class, only 2 girls and I were left. So, the same day/the next day, during our first break/recess, we went to the Sports Complex. Here, my classmates and I got seperated. I played with a girl, and we took the full amount of time for just 1 round, which I won. Out of my 2 other classmates, one of them got selected.
Today, we had to stay back after school for the elimination round. I won my first round, and lost the second. How I lost it was weird. Well, not weird, on. The game ended in.....................a draw. That means, I had my king, and my opponent had her king. So, we both lost, since no-one could possibly win now.
Then I came back home in the boys’ bus.
Sorry for the late comment. Nice story. I'm really bad at chess.