It is an Idea 25 members · 128 stories
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Group Admin

Now the rules for this group are simple and easy to follow so I hope not to see any rule breaking here and everyone to play nice. :ajbemused:

1: No thrashing another author's idea. (If you don't like the idea or don't agree with it, that is your right as a person but I expect you guys to respect the opinions of others and not attack them)

2: Only Critique is allowed here not criticism. (Critique is the helpful analysis of ones work, Criticism is the picking apart of someones work just because you don't agree. One is helpful and allows us to grow as authors, the other is demeaning and hurtful. So make sure you know which you are doing)

3: Questions, no matter how silly some people may think they are, are allowed and encouraged here, so ask them. (This group is meant to help authors, new and veteran, to get their ideas out and help them flesh them out with world building, character development , all aspects of a good story, and one can't get an answer without asking a question first.)

4: Have fun (This group is meant to be a place where we all can talk, share ideas and grow together as writers. it helps when we all can take a good joke and laugh at our own reflections)

Follow these rules and I won't have a single issue. So if you just joined, I welcome you to the group and hope we can grease the gears in your brain so you can jump start your creative side. :pinkiehappy:


2: Only Critique is allowed here not criticism. (Critique is the helpful analysis of ones work, Criticism is the picking apart of someones work just because you don't agree. One is helpful and allows us to grow as authors, the other is demeaning and hurtful. So make sure you know which you are doing)

Hold on. What's the point of helping these writers if we can't tell what's good AND bad about their idea? Criticism is not hurtful, it's just brutal honesty, and everybody needs to hear it from time to time. There has to be a con to every pro. If we just praised the writer for their ideas, then they won't learn anything, they won't see the plot holes or the problems the idea might cause to the story they are writing. This is how ignorant man/woman children are created, by giving them what they want and making them think they're the next Walt Disney. They have to know the limits and the problems with their ideas as well as what makes their ideas cool and interesting.

Group Admin

You make a good point, but now let me make mine. While it's true some ideas are more refined then others, all ideas have merit. While one person may think an idea is a bad one another may learn from it. The saying goes "One mans trash is another mans treasure." I believe this is true with ideas as well.

This group isn't meant to just praise people and tell them everything they did is right. As I said in this post this is a place to help people grow and flesh out their ideas. That entails pointing out plot holes, giving advice and showing writers were they can improve.

You say Criticism is brutally honest, there is such a thing a too honest my friend. It lacks tact and I've been on the receiving end of that kind of honesty before and it wasn't a fun experience. Instead of learning and gaining more confidence in my writing ability I was disheartened and felt like my ideas weren't worth anything.

Criticism is more aligned with condemnation than consideration of the idea while critique is the analysis of the idea. That's what this group is about we analyze the ideas to see how we can improve them and bring out their full potential. Take iron ore and make steel, take clay and make a pot, take some cloth and weave a tapestry. All these things start with an idea then go through trial and error before they get to the end. No story starts perfect, they all take time and different people go at different speeds.

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