DC Superheros in Equestria 33 members · 56 stories

Teen Titans

Teen titans members:
Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven, Beast Boy, Terra, Bumblebee, Speedy, Aqualad, Más y Menos, Red Star, Argent, Kole, Gnarrk, Pantha, Wildebeest, Hot Spot, Nightrider, Battalion, Mirage, Flamebird, Killowat, Jinx, Kid Flash, Lightning, Thunder, Thramm, Jericho, Herald, Timmy Tantrum, Teether, Melvin, Bobby, Bushido, Ravenger, Wonder Girl, Donna Troy, Lilith, Gaurdian, Aquagirl, Impulse, Supergirl, Risk, Captin Marvel Jr, Superboy, Miss Martian, Dove, Talon, Osiris, Batgirl, Blue Beetle, Redwing, and Killowat.

Teen Titans and Young Justice are the same thing.