Equestrian Parenthood 98 members · 246 stories
Comments ( 20 )
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1. Must be a new story
2. Must be between 1200-7000 words
3. No sex must be family friendly
4. Two entries per contestant
5. Must be a member of the group
6. Have fun

You can play any topic you want from any of the folders. There will be a winner and their story will be featured on my page. There will be a winner so if only one person enters then they'll have a 100% chance to win. Dead line for submissions is first of August 08/01/2017.

5955197 As with all the contests on this site, I'll promote this one on my user page in an attempt to get you more contenders.

5955197 Looks really cool. Can I ask, how about grandparent or uncle/aunty?

5969232 Merci
5969243 If they are fulfilling the roll of parents because the birth parents are not in the child's life then yes.

Sweet. Thanks!

I have a story for this. And it was released three days ago. Could I enter it? It is called [Sour's Sun] in case you want to look at the story to decide if it can join.

5972067 I read it and since you did just post this week and you probably didn't know about this group; I'll allow it this once.

Alright, thanks! ^^

Just asking, how the heck do you submit a story to a contest???

I already have an Equestrian Parenthood story, but it was made in like August of last year. I can’t submit it to your contest and i is sad :fluttershysad: but rules are rules!

Yerp rules are rules. How to submit it well that’s simple for the group in question you make sure the story meets all the requirements and submit it normally.

ok then so do i tell you about it or what :/

im stupid sorry

Only if I get to be stupid too? What is the IT you’re talking about. Go ahead let’s hear what you have to say.



Remember you have until August 1st to submit your stories to the contest. That's in a month in a half.

A grandparents folder has now been added.

Two weeks left if your participating.
Two weeks left if your participating.
Two weeks left if your participating.
Two weeks left if your participating.

Oh! Thank you for the heads up. ^^

Would I allowed to submit a story that you need to read other (short) stories to understand?

Yerp so long as it meets all of the rules.

I know I probably should've asked earlier, but are human/EG stories allowed? I'd rather not work my ass off trying to bust out this story in time for the deadline just to be DQ'd because I was too lazy to ask first.

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