Pagan Bronies 41 members · 58 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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I really don't want to push the creator of this group for activity, so I am simply asking exactly what the policy on the stories are because I would like to add my Norse Pagan influenced story to this group

Brasta Septim
Group Admin

The stories in the group are ones that are either: A. written by pagan authors or B. with pagan themes in them. So yes, your Norse pagan-influenced story would be perfectly acceptable to add.

5617798 yey!
Finnish Viking Wolves!

“Nukahtaa ja Ukko syntyä uudelleen”

..... can you create a folder so I can put my story inside of it

Brasta Septim
Group Admin

5617817 Done. Sorry, I'd forgotten to do that first! :facehoof:

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