It all started with that weird tattoo I got on my 25th birthday. Now strange things are happening to me, and I just can't seem to make it stop! I never asked for this, yet why does it feel so... fun?
It's not easy to hide from yourself. Espiecially when you're a perfect clone of somepony else. But Detective Pinkamena or 'Pink' has more than an extential crisis to deal with now with S.M.I.L.E. agents on their way to secure her as a rogue anomoly.
After the kidnapping and assumed murder of Pinkie Pie, Beta, a clone of Pinkie Pie, is prime suspect number one. Now Beta must prove her innocence by finding the kidnapper.
Upon gaining access to the multiverse, some people go on fantastic adventures, rewriting history or exploring the vast unknowns of time and space. Twilight Sparkle had another idea.
Pinkie Pie just loved it when she made a double her in the Mirror Pool. But when she goes into the other realm using the portal that Twilight used before, she finds another person of herself. Like a.........double Pinkie!
An alternative version of 'Too Many Pies'. We know that too many of Pinkie Pie is a bad thing, but what happens when the rest of the Mane Six get clones of their own?