The Flaminko Flock 46 members · 28 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Sparkling Justice
Group Admin

What is ur fav story from Crystal? I like the A Dash Of Something Soared Through the Skies series. (that pun man)

And we need a banner.

I like that story too :pinkiehappy::raritystarry::yay:

Group Admin

Hee hee ^.^

Funny story: wanna know how that series got its name?

I was in class one day, and I was raising my hand, waiting for my teacher to call on me. She never saw me, so I was just sitting there with my hand up for close to 20 minutes. Obviously, that kinda started hurting. XDD Randomly, I said "A Dash of Pain Soared Through My Arm" and people around me turned and gave me funny looks.

And babaam. New story name was born. XD

Group Admin

My naming skills are beautiful :rainbowlaugh:

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