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Who is the happiest Sunset Shimmer in all of the Multiverse? As it turns out, the strongest. How much can she endure, and can she get back home?
DapperLilArts ·
327k words
· 141
6 ·
I went into exile, on my own terms, to come back and take what I deserve. When I came back, there was nothing left to take.
River Road ·
9.4k words
· 232
6 ·
Twilight and Sunset learn a very important lesson: never underestimate the eccentricities of used bookstores on a cold Canterlot night.
Amber Spark ·
112k words
· 211
13 ·
Sunset returns through the portal when it opens again, wanting to make amends for the past. However, things get complicatred when she discovers a familiar dark artifact. Lured by a promise of power, can Twilight save her from herself a second time?
Never2muchpinkie ·
106k words
· 91
11 ·
Twilight and Sunset race against the clock to save Canterlot from a foe of unimaginable power… a romantic narrative.
Amber Spark ·
12k words
· 274
12 ·