Cutie Mark Hunters 43 members · 1 stories
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And so did my mark and story for it... I like this one better so, here we go...

While still pretty young I had some major problems with anger and getting into fights. Now as a unicorn, that can be pretty bad if not controlled. I eventually fractured my own soul and mind in order to better control myself. These shards I gave names to before slipping away completely. Lar'Tuen T. Hap, Krad Ez'lab, and Th'gil Rew'olf. They themselves recognized my fading self and reforged my mind to have "gates" and "locks" to keep the burning rage under control. That itself caused Lar and Th'gil to die. Krad took up post guarding the first gate and making sure I didn't go too far in. After a few more years I realized my talent lay in keeping balance between the light and the darkness that constantly warred in my heart. And that when I channeled one or the other, or even both n desperate times, I was capable of using light, dark, and neutral magic with such expertise that I could summon light and dark variations of myself to cast other spells while I cast a third one myself... This lead me to receiving a pair of swords, Excalibur and Ragnarok, crossed and forming a unicorns horn with their respective hoof guards.

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