Talk It Out 90 members · 98 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Good news: I'm getting married! :pinkiehappy:

Bad news: My fiancee has a nasty case of bronchitis. He doesn't have medical insurance and once he gets his bills paid for the month he'll only have $77 to his name.

5671067 We're only inviting friends and family. Sorry. And besides, I don't think you'd like the theme and the venue.

5671067 I think there are more pressing concerns that lie elsewhere for now.

5671076 Any ideas what I could do to help him?

Congratulations on your marriage! :pinkiehappy: :pinkiegasp: And personally, if it's a big deal, maybe do a fund raiser or something.

Group Admin

5671064 Congratulations! May your marriage be long and fulfilling!:pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 9