Gloriosa 51 members · 7 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Group Admin

Since it is practically shipping day, why not discuss who to ship Glori with!

For me (with my personality for her) I'd ship her with either Marco DaFoy or an 'idiot' type character. Maybe a dumb second in command? Maybe a brainiac second in command? I don't quite know yet.

5048071 Fluttershy? :duck: Lily, Daisy, or Rose? :rainbowlaugh: I want to wait for her movie design to debut before I decide who her soulmate could be.

Group Admin


I'm going to go with a background Breezie from G3 named Clover Berry.

She's the green one on the bottom.

5048200 Cloverosa OTP. No turning back. Must design their children. :pinkiecrazy:

5048401 But of course I need to find a breezie base. :pinkiecrazy:

Wait... Can regular ponies and breezies have foals?

Group Admin


BTW, this has a few close-up pictures of Clover Berry if you want a reference:

Group Admin


And I theorize that both are in fact Breezies (hence the group icon and the elvish ears.)

5048426 Why didn't I see this before I finished designing the little baby? :rainbowlaugh: (Check dev if you haven't already)

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