1. No NSFW 2. Don't Put You Nintendo Friends Code On A Thread or Anywhere on the Group Please PM 3. Don't Be Rude 4. If You Can Bet Me In A Pokemon Battle...You Can Become One of the Admins(admins rule 4a-e) 4a. if You Become Admin Don't put Anyone Else as Admin or Anything Else...That Is My Job 4b. No Legendary or Banned Pokemon 4c. Don't be a rude and put random things in forums 4e. If you Hurt anyone in this Group anyway and form your banned and kicked off of admin 5. This group is also for my followers 6. NO DRAMA!!!!! 7. If You Have Anything Else To Ask PM Me!
1. No NSFW
2. Don't Put You Nintendo Friends Code On A Thread or Anywhere on the Group Please PM
3. Don't Be Rude
4. If You Can Bet Me In A Pokemon Battle...You Can Become One of the Admins(admins rule 4a-e)
4a. if You Become Admin Don't put Anyone Else as Admin or Anything Else...That Is My Job
4b. No Legendary or Banned Pokemon
4c. Don't be a rude and put random things in forums
4e. If you Hurt anyone in this Group anyway and form your banned and kicked off of admin
5. This group is also for my followers
6. NO DRAMA!!!!!
7. If You Have Anything Else To Ask PM Me!
I question the wisdom of letting People become admins just because they beat you in battle.
After all, the person who beats you may be a jerk for all we know.
Also unless your a very good trainer and battler who is very hard to beat, this gives almost everyone in the group the potential to be an admin.
5039576 I'm a Good Trainer
5039576 Oh And They Cant Use Lengendary or Banned Pokemon
what about mega stones