Introduction :
Books with more than two stories are defined in this Group as a collection. Every Collection is listed in a subfolder for easier finding. The central folder has books listed by alphabetical order using the author-name, not the title of the work.
Lulu is a cheap print on demand website. The company has often campaigns in which you can get some % off the total price. Be sure to check if a discount code is currently available before buying.
- Admiral Biscuit’s Fanfare for the Common Mare: collection (30 Stories)[Paperback]
- Admiral Biscuit’s The Haunting [Paperback]
- Admiral Biscuit’s Sam and Rose: collection (5 Stories) [Paperback]
- Aquaman’s The Voices Are Telling Me to Hug You: collection (10 Stories) [Paperback]
- Aragon's The Essential Aragón: collection (9 Stories) [Paperback] [Hardcover]
- Bad Horse's The Worst of Bad Horse [Paperback] [Hardcover] (54 stories + more, 25 essays, see subfolder for details)
- bookplayer's Lost Time [Paperback] [Hardcover]
- Boopy Doopy's I Am Not Sombra [Paperback]
- BronyWriter's A Shadow Hangs Overhead and Hitmare [Paperback]
- BronyWriter's Anthology of Madness: collection (14 Stories) [Paperback]
- BronyWriter's TD the Alicorn Princess [Paperback]
- Capn_Chryssalid's The Best Night Ever [Paperback] [Hardcover]
- Chasing the Sunset: A Sunset Shipping Contest Collection (13 Stories) [Hardcover] [Paperback]
- Chris's The Purloined Pony (Pick Your Path #12) [Paperback] (23 b/w illustrations)
- Cold in Gardez's Completely Safe Stories: collection (17 Stories) [Paperback ] (12 b/w illustrations)
- Corejo's Into the Dark [Paperback] [Hardcover]
- Cold Spike's The Tale of Saving Grace [Paperback]
- Cynewulf's The Night is Passing [Paperbacks: Vol 1 Vol 2 Vol 3] [Hardcovers: Vol 1 Vol 2 Vol 3]
- Daedalus Aegle's The Education of Clover the Clever [Hardcover] [Paperback]
- Daetrin's Gods of Old and New collection (5 stories) [Paperback] [Hardcover]
- Device Heretic's Eternal [Paperback] [Hardcover]
- Dromicosuchus' Mendacity [Paperback] [Hardcover]
- Ether Echoes's Through the Well of Pirene [Hardcover]
- Ether Echoes's Pirene's Well: Three Nights in Manehattan [Hardcover]
- Ether Echoes's Them [Hardcover]
- Fantasia's Winds of the Past [Hardcover]
- Flashgen's A Fleeting Light in the Darkness: Collection (4 Stories)[Hardcover]
- Flutterpriest's Dash Tries to Win Your Heart: collection (8 Stories)[Paperback] [Hardcover]
- For the Love of Faust Anthology (50 stories) [Paperback] [Hardcover]
- Friendship is Optimal Contest Anthology Optimized Worlds (7 stories) [Hardcover]
- GaPJaxie's Around the World in 81 Days [Paperback]
- GaPJaxie's Thousand Yard Stare: collection (10 Stories) [Paperback]
- GaPJaxie's Roll Credits: collection (6 Stories) [Paperback]
- GaPJaxie's The Third Wheel: collection (5 Stories) [Paperback]
- Georg's Sisters!: collection [Paperback] (20 Stories)
- Georg's The Traveling Tutor and the Librarian [Paperback]
- Georg's The One Who Got Away & Drifting Down the Lazy River [Paperback]
- Georg's The Monster in the Twilight [Hardcover] [Paperback]
- Georg's Letters From a Little Princess Monster [Hardcover] [Paperback]
- GhostOfHeraclitus's Tales from the Civil Service: collection (3 Stories) [Paperback] [Hardcover]
- Greenback's The Monster Below [Paperback] [Hardcover]
- Greenback's The Monster Below: Nightfall [Paperback] [Hardcover]
- horizon's Songs of the Sisters: collection (15 Stories) [Paperback] [Hardcover]
- Horse Voice's Biblical Monsters: collection (13 Stories) [Paperback] [Hardcover]
- Humanity's Before Time Began to Flow [Paperback]
- Ice Star's Canterlot Chronicles (22 stories) [Link is provided by the author via PM] (2 b&w illustrations)
- Imploding Colon's Austraeoh [Hardcover]
- Imploding Colon's Eljunbyro [Hardcover]
- Imploding Colon's Innavedr [Hardcovers: Vol 1 Vol 2]
- Imploding Colon's Odrsjot [Hardcovers: Vol 1 Vol 2]
- Imploding Colon's Urohringr [Hardcovers: Vol 1 Vol 2]
- Imploding Colon's Yaerfaerda [Hardcovers: Vol 1 Vol 2]
- Imploding Colon's Ynanhluutr [Hardcovers: Vol 1 Vol 2]
- Imploding Colon's Utaan [Hardcovers: Vol 1 Vol 2 Vol 3 Vol 4]
- Jetfire2012's It's a Dangerous Business, Going Out Your Door [Paperback]
- Kits' Twilight's List [Paperback] [Hardcover]
- MarvelandPonder's Empathy for the Devil [Color] [B&W] [Behind the Zines Artbook]
- Mindblower's The Story of My Life [Paperback]
- moguera's Foal of the Forest [Hardcover]
- moguera's The Promise of a New Day [Hardcover]
- moguera's Storm on the Horizon [Hardcover]
- Monochromatic's Crimson Lips [Paperback] [Hardcover]
- Monochromatic's The Enchanted Library [Paperbacks: Vol 1 Vol 2 Vol 3] [Hardcovers: Vol 1 Vol 2 Vol 3]
- Monochromatic's The Enchanted Kingdom [Paperbacks: Vol 1 Vol 2] [Hardcovers: Vol 1 Vol 2]
- Monochromatic's The Mono-Logues: collection (22 Stories)[Paperback] [Hardcover]
- MrNumbers The Mare Who Once Lived on the Moon [Hardcover] [Paperback]
- NavelColt's To Love as His Own & The King of Love Bugs [Link is provided by the author through a PM] (39 b/w illustrations)
- NavelColt's Soft Spot: collection [Link is provided by author through a PM] (4 b/w illustrations)
- Oroboro's Fractured Sunlight [Paperback] [Hardcover] (26 b/w illustrations)
- PaulAsaran's Bulletproof Heart [Hardcover]
- PaulAsaran's Foundations: collection [Paperback] (19 stories)
- PaulAsaran's The Gentle Nights: Audience of One & Dinky Doo and the Quest for the Sacred Treats [Paperback]
- Pen Stroke's Face the Dark: collection (4 Stories) [Hardcover] (4 b/w illustrations)
- Pen Stroke's Past Sins [Hardcover]
- Pen Stroke's The Life & Times of Nyx: collection (6 Stories) [Hardcover] (8 b/w illustrations)
- Rambling Writer's Best Hell Ever & Heaven of a Hell [Hardcover]
- RQK's Feedback [Paperback]
- RQK's Substitute [Paperback]
- RQK's Divergence [Paperback]
- RQK's Reflections [Paperback]
- SaddlesoapOpera's History Repeats [Paperback] [Hardcover]
- SamRose's The Silent Ponyville Collection (5 Stories) [Hardcover]
- Sharp Spark's Peppermint Tea : collection (11 Stories) [Paperback] [Hardcover]
- Shaslan's Auntie Tia's Matchmaking Service [Hardcover]
- Shaslan's A Dark And Starless Night: Collection (5 Stories) [Hardcover]
- Skywriter's Infernal Machines and Contraptionology! [Paperback] [Hardcover]
- Solaris90's Knights of Equestria [Hardcover] (Story was only published on deviantart)
- Tangerine Blast's Spark Visions of Twilight & Recall Memories of Midnight [Paperback]
- Thanqol's Yours Truly and Other Stories (8 stories) [Paperback] [Hardcover]
- The 24th Pegasus's A Song of Storms: Of Skies Long Forgotten [Paperback]
- The Dark Between the Stars Collection [Hardcover] (16 stories) (several authors) (21 black and white illustrations)
- TheGoldenCrowbar's Doctor Whoof: Director's Cut [Hardcover] (Story was only published on deviantart, contains artworks)
- TheGoldenCrowbar's Torchwood: The New Equestria Files [Paperback] (Story was only published on deviantart)
- The Lunar Samurai's Memoirs of a Magic Earth Pony [Hardcover] (Vol 1)
- TheUrbanMoose's The Stranger and Her Friend [Paperback] [Matte Hardcover] [Gloss Hardcover] (Vol 1) (b/w illustrations)
- tom117z's Change [Blog entry] [Paperback]
- tom117z's Change: Queen of The Hive [Paperback]
- tom117z's Change: Avia [Paperback]
- tusri's Night Reigns [Paperback]
- Wanderer D's Gunsmoke [Paperback]
- Wanderer D's Sparkle's No. 1 Assistant [Paperback]
- Xepher's Three Wishes: The Cutie Mark Crusaders Before They Changed The World [Paperback]
Ministry of Image:
Ministry of Image is a Russian-based MLP fanfiction publisher. Their books can be bought through their website or at some conventions. Check out if your local MLP convention has a Ministry of Image or a Traveling Pony Museum vendor booth (The latter also sold their books in the past as well).
- Arad's Stardust [Hardcover]
- Eakin's The Time Loop Trilogy / Hard Reset: collection [Hardcover]
- Goldenwing's Empty Horizons [Hardcover]
- Hoopy McGee's Why am I Pinkie Pie?! [Hardcover] (One Volume, 28 black and white illustrations)
- Iceman's Friendship is Optimal [Hardcover] (One Volume, amount of black and white interior illustrations not listed)
- iisaw's The Alicorn Adventures anthology (includes The Celestia Code and the removed-from-site sequels, The Luna Cypher, The Twilight Enigma, and The Skyla Pseudonym and the side-stories The Quest, Tales from Twilight Town, and On the Rocks) (Also includes a bonus chapter for the side stories, five new color illustrations, and the original maps, footnotes, and illustrations.) [See blog for more details]
- JasonTheHuman's Anthropology [Hardcover] (10 colored illustrations)
- Kkat's Prey [Hardcover]
- mimezinga's Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes [Hardcover] (20 b/w illustrations)
- Monochromatic's The Enchanted Library [Hardcover] (Two Volumes; 20 colored illustrations)
- Monochromatic's The Enchanted Kingdom [Hardcover] [Two volumes]
- MrNumbers's The Mare Who Once Lived on the Moon [Hardcover]
- No One's Fallout: Equestria — Heroes [Hardcover] (Three Volumes, 45 black and white illustrations)
- Pen Stroke's Better Living Through Science and Ponies [Hardcover] (One Volume, 1 b/w and 1 color illustration)
- Pen Stroke's Past Sins [Hardcover] (24 b/w illustrations)
- shortskirtsandexplosions's Background Pony [Hardcover] (Two Volumes; 20 b/w illustrations)
- Sharp Spark's A Stallion for the Time Being [Hardcover] (One Volume, 28 black and white illustrations)
- Tales of the Moon A Collection of 8 Luna stories [Hardcover] ( 9 colored illustrations)
- Tales of the Sun A Collection of 9 Celestia stories [Hardcover] ( 9 colored illustrations)
- The Albinocorn's Long Road to Friendship [Hardcover] (15 colored iilustrations)
- Two Sides of Melody A Collection of 3 Vinyl and Octavia Stories [Hardcover] (3 colored illustrations)
- University Days and The Vinyl Scratch Tapes [Hardcover] (Two color illustrations)
- Vren55's Princess Celestia: The Changeling Queen [Hardcover]
Other Sites:
- Trick Question's Lovely Darkness: collection (21 Stories) [Hardcover] (Selling of an overstock. The book gets available on Lulu after it is depleted.) (over 30 b/w illustrations)
- Chatoyance's I.D. - That Indestructible Something [Paperback]
- Goldfur's Change of Life [Paperback]
- Goldfur's Growing Up Dandy [Paperback]
- Goldfur's Conversations in a Canterlot Café [Paperback]
- Goldfur's Cosmic Lotus [Paperback]
- Goldfur's A Different Perspective [Paperback]
- Goldfur's The Growing Years [Paperback]
- Goldfur's Off The Mark [Paperbacks: Vol 1 Vol 2 Vol 3]
- Goldfur's Quantum Gallop [Paperback]
- Goldfur's Beginning Anew [Paperback]
- Hap Lea's Princesses of Equestria [Paperback] (Story not available for free)
- Hap Lea's Princesses of Equestria: The Elements of Harmony [Paperback] (Story not available for free)
- Hap Lea's Princesses of Equestria: King of Shadows [Paperback] (Story not available for free)