Hope Chasers 8 members · 31 stories
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If some of you guys know Lighting sword, you may have heard (or witnessed) the catastrophe that expired in his latest group. I'm sad to say that I was one of the main causes of it, that was one of the most regrettable choices I ever made. It tainted Pegasisters' outlook on me and deeply hurt our friendship. I was thinking about posting this or not but recently, thanks to Pegasisters' moral support (:fluttercry::ajsleepy:), I decided to post this to show how much I regret all this. I honestly don't even know if I deserve to be her friend anymore. If you guys hate me, I understand. But I want everyone to know that I won't ever be able to live this down and i'm trying to move past this, that was the old me, now I want everyone to see the new me.

4953156 Can you talk a bit about the catastrophe that transpired?

4953156 Welcome to Hope Chasers my friend...

4955216 What does that mean?

4955276 It means there's Hope! Also, Happy New Year!

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