A Prompt A Day, Contests, And Reviews 36 members · 114 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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I Like Pie
Group Admin

Our kinda sorta recent Underused Characters Contest has come to the end. The following are the results!

Number Three:
Pen And Paper Hearts

Number Two:
From Forgotten To Remembrance

Before we go onto our number one I would just like to say I had a bunch of fun reading every single one of the stories put into this contest! Now without a further ado, here's our number one!

Number One:
Batmare Begins

(I know Derpy is kinda a popular character but now the number of stories written about her has winded down a bit, plus the author of the fic asked nicely :twilightsheepish::pinkiesad2:).


plus the author of the fic asked nicely :twilightsheepish::pinkiesad2:).

Sellout. :ajsmug:
This is a joke, please don't sue me.

4993216 Huh, never thought I'd get second place... sweet :rainbowkiss: congrats to the volunteers and victors as well! :twilightsmile:

4993216 Third? I'm not unhappy with that. Congrates to the winners.

Seems like this group is also dead.

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