Night Fall Kingdom 117 members · 266 stories
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Letters To Prince Jirard (And The Other Princes/ Kings) Thread

This is a place where you can write letters to Prince Jirard, Prince Rutherford, Prince Shining Armor, Prince Blueblood, King Sombra, or any of the other canon as well as non-canon princes/ kings of the known world.

- You can post as many letters as you want, as often as you want.

- They letters can be serious or funny. The most important rule is to just have fun.

My Letter

Dear Prince Jirard,

Is there really a rabbit who lives on the moon and makes a potion of immorality? And if so, can I have some?

Your Loyal Subject,

Lyra Chan

P.S. I have borrowed one of your bat pony chariot drivers for...scientific research. Don't worry, I'll bring him back. Eventually.

Group Sections

4872197 Senpai!!! :raritydespair: You can't kidnap the chariot drivers! They keep on coming back with whiplashes and burn marks! You need to stahp!!!!

Group Admin

4872203 But I like to borrow them. For science. :pinkiecrazy:

4872212 But their burn marks and whiplashes stop them from working at their best! Stop torturing them! :raritydespair:

Group Admin

4872217 I don't use whips. We just watch anime together. What were you thinking, Little Taco? :trixieshiftright:

4872224 That you torture them! :raritydespair: It's what our sources say!

Group Admin

4872231 No I don't. We just watch anime. Why doesn't anyone believe me? :raritydespair:

4872233 I'm sorry... I believe you now. :fluttercry:

Group Admin

4872240 Yay! Someone believes me. Now I am happy. :pinkiehappy:

4872248 Yay! :yay: It is my job as Captain of the Guard to make sure the prince and princess are happy, and the innocents are safe! :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

4872255 Yes indeed. Just waiting for Root Beer to get back to me so we can add you as a court member. :p

Group Admin

4872274 Do you want to be known as Bat Pony here or do you want another name as the head of the royal guard?

4872278 Batman for my night vigilante name! :pinkiehappy: And Jet Black for my guard name.

Group Admin

4872280 Do you want my to use your picture that you have on your icon when I list you as a court member? Or? Here, fill out this so I can post it:

Race: (Earth Pony, pegasus Pony, Unicorn, Griffon, Dragon, Etc.)
Cutie Mark: (If Applicable)

Name: Jet Black (Batman)
Race: Pegasus
Gender: Male
Age: 24 years old
Talent: Fighting and stealth
Personality:Has a serious personality, always putting the job or task he's given above everything else if the job is important enough. But he also has a slightly joking personality, making sarcastic remarks and replies whenever he can. He tries to make himself come across uncaring, but deep down he has incredible anxiety that makes him worry every time he enters a crowd due to him looking completely different than other ponies. But he struggles to continue looking as uncaring as possible, but not too badly. He's protective of those he finds his friends, always standing up for them if anyone tries to hurt them. He also has a slight perfectionist attitude, always wanting everything to be perfect if he can make it that way. He's a planner, always making plans before doing anything, often making plans in his head if he doesn't have any time to plan at all, most of the quickly made plans he later ends up regretting. He has a very pessimistic attitude, one that was made from him just due to him not agreeing with the way Equestria is being run from it's government, giving Equestria's market a free market system (Google it if you don't know).
Color: Crimson fur, crimson and black mane
Appearance: He wears nothing, but when he is wearing clothes it's either a black suit and tie for formal parties or his Batsuit. His mane is always in the way it is, covering his right eye slightly as a sort of 'symbolism' as he puts it. But he never lets anyone know what it's symbolizing, if anything at all. And when he DOES tell someone what it means, he always changes the story each time he tells it, the same as his backstory, working more on his stealth tactics of never letting anyone know who he is, thus, becoming invisible himself.

Cutie Mark: None
Bio: He was born in Cloudsdale to a sports loving father, an overprotective mother, a sports loving brother and a studying unicorn sister. But he didn't spend much time with them as he left them at a young age voluntarily to train in martial arts with his grandfather, a wise and old man (Look at Iroh from Avatar: The Last Airbender for an idea on who he is.). He trained his entire life, mastering what his grandfather taught him, using his anxiety's of being in a social area as an excuse to train more than usual. Due to his extensive training he has been able to master the martial arts and stealth tactics he has been trained in.

Group Admin

4872323 Yay! You can post it here along with a bio on how you came to live in the Night Fall kingdom too:

Group Admin

4872390 Yay! But you forgot to add the story about how you moved to the kingdom under that one section. :rainbowlaugh:

4872395 Dammit! :rainbowlaugh: I'll make it and then copy/paste it.

Group Admin

4872399 Good job Little Taco. ^0^

4872197 DeAr PrInCe JiRaRd,


ThE ReD HoOd AnD InAZuMa

Group Admin

4878048 That picture though.:rainbowlaugh:

4878233 I know right? Hilarious. Once I saw that I knew I had to use it.

Group Admin

4878933 It reminds me of the old Loony Tunes cartoons. :rainbowlaugh:

4879184 I think that's what the creator was going for. That and Family guy where this joke originated from.

Group Admin

4879236 Family Guy has some great gags too.

Root Beer
Group Admin

4878048 Ah, I see.

4879475 Yeah my oc is not very fond your oc.

Root Beer
Group Admin

4879518 I see that, but then again, he's a Chief Warden, and they won't see each other too often.

4879519 Stormbreaker is a she and probably not as she prefers Crescent's company.

Root Beer
Group Admin

4879536 I was an outsider, so there must not be a lot of trust going on. I'm still the Lord of Night Fall though.

4879540 Yeah she doesn't trust him but not because of the whole outsider thing. She doesn't care that he's an outsider. She doesn't like him for marrying her sister without her permission.

Root Beer
Group Admin

4879546 Whoah, did you just make someone an OC related to Princess Crescent AFTER this kingdom was created? I am not pleased with your actions to say the least about my emotions.

4879569 Yes, Yes I did. Judging by your reaction I take it you never looked at my OC's profile at all, not even once. Even though it is on the front page. It wasn't originally but LyraAllUse liked the idea and said it was okay to use that idea.

Root Beer
Group Admin

4879579 I have now looked at the profile, and although I'd like her to replace batman I'll have to decline her ability to be "heir to the throne" should something happen to princess crescent, as there is a Lord Jirard who rules over the land and controls the military.

4879585 I didn't put that there. That was Lyra's doing so you'll have to take it up with her whether that part stays or not. And as for Batman: you'd have to talk to TheWalkingSkyMon and LyraAllUse about that, I don't want them to assume things. I can give my opinion on the matter but it's up to LyraAllUse.

Group Admin

4879585 I was going by the line of succession in royal lineages. usually a kingdom will have an heir and a spare. The heir to the throne (the heir apparent, or crown prince/ princess) is the first in line to the throne. Should they die or something happen to them, the tile goes to person they are married to, their children, and then their next of kin (which is what heir presumptive means).

Root Beer
Group Admin

4881692 Ah, I see.

Group Admin


I changed it to say, 'Second-in-line to the throne, should something happen to Princess Crescent, Prince Jirard, or any of their children. Chief Warden of the Night Fall Kingdom's strongest prison' so it is a little less confusing.

Root Beer
Group Admin

4881698 Alright, sounds good.

4881698 Do you oc's even have children?

Well actually when something happens to the heir, the next of kin becomes the new ruler while the person the old heir was married to retains their previous station (although if they are an outsider like Jirard most of the time they lose some of their power). As for kids, the heir apparent retains rulership until the child becomes of age and does something to prove their worthiness. But I could be wrong, I just know that's how the ancients did it, mostly the Greeks.

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